

Please Read: I decided to remove the reviews, something I would not normally do, thanks to my readers for being such good detectives.


Within the halls of Asgard an order was given that shook many people's views of reality. The Divinity had given the Star system of Midgard to a new pantheon, without permission from the Solar pantheon none were to travel there.

Frigga smiled at her husband's move and waited patiently for her sons to react. Odin and Frigga knew well that both Thor and Loki had never had to request entry to another's realm, as during their life Asgard already dominated the 9 realms.

Within Thor's palace, he, his brother, and his friends were discussing the embarrassment of losing Midgard.

"Why would Father it up without sending me to defend it, Heimdall never mentioned a rebellion, this makes no sense." Thor moaned as he downed another drink.

"They never rebelled. The announcement from the All-Father stated it was the Divinity's will," explained Sif.

Thor looked at her in confusion, "Brother, if you had listened in lessons you would know that while we can conquer realms, many of us are much more powerful while in Asgard, this is because when Father became an All-Father the divinity within him let him know where his realm was. Anything beyond Asgard, unless the Divinity grants it to us, is only conquered."

Sif nodded while Thor scratched his head.

"So what would happen if we went to Midgard to look around? and if they are still weaklings take it back?" Thor grinned at his idea.

"Depending on the strength of the All-Father, anything from nothing and we beat him up, or he seals us from using our divinity within his realm and ransoms us back to Father," explained Loki.

While this drunk conversation was going on, Joel asked Ciar to ensure they were aware of any Asgardian arriving. Knowing Odin and Thor as he did, he was sure Odin would nudge Thor to test him and then punish his son if he got caught.

Well then, Joel grins, let's gather some divinity for me shall we?

Joel suddenly stood outside a bar in a small village in Russia. With a grin on his lips, he walked into the bar that seemed held together with wishful thinking. The bartender never even looked up, it was too early for his regulars and he was not the helpful kind, yet as the stranger came closer he felt a feeling he had not felt since he found the black gem, fear.

"Ah, it knows I am here for it, the little coward." Reaching out his hand a black gem flew from the bartender's shirt towards Joel, although it seemed like black tendrils were reaching out to the bartender, trying to claw its way back.

"Silly little Chernobog, for a god of Darkness you do not hide very well do you?" As he spoke Joel's hand crushed the gem, a hideous screeching could be heard as a whisp of gold seeped into Joel's skin.

"Oh, not bad at all. Only one more of you to go." as he spoke he vanished, leaving the bartender staring helplessly, he needed to disappear, fast, before others found out he was defenseless now.

With the divinity of darkness increased, he could now pass a stronger copy on to one of his own pantheons, that the main reason for this trip was the next item.

Looking downwards at a Russian villa Joel sighed, "Widow, are you free?", the next moment the woman who had only become more alluring after she gained a Godhead appears. She looks down and tilts her head, then smirks. "Why would they give a bind top secret agent to a thunder god? It seems a total waste." With Widow's Godhead, she is able to determine any covert actions or information just by looking at it. Honestly, I think the Godhead I made for her was a perfect match.

"It's all clear now, he keeps it in his desk but all the security is now gone. He should notice once you take it though, but that is just his level of skill."

I nod at the Widows' words, "Thanks a lot."

I appear in the desk chair and open the drawer, inside is an amulet, it actually seems to be shaking, either in rage or fear. I smirk as I crush it while absorbing the divinity, lightning, and atmokinesis at the same level of a full power Thor in universe 616. Perun, God of Thunder was no more, that was the last of their pantheon within this dimension. I heard Valeri Soyloyev running from the living room and smiled, well he would be happy, he hated being a servant.

I vanished and returned home, but now I was stuck. I promised Storm she could manage the school, but she was the best suited, hell she was actually a lower level belief goddess already and in another universe was the Goddess of Thunder, although I was going to give her more.

I sighed, I hated this. Lets leave it in her hands. I vanished and appeared outside the Principals office, gently knocking on the door. "Enter." came her voice, her accent made her voice more mysterious, I opened the door and walked in, headed over to the sofa and fell into it, noticing no-one behind me Storm used a breeze to close the door.

Without a word she arched a brow, then looked back to her papers and carried on working.

"There is a very high chance some gods from Asgard will be turning up on Earth to put us in our place," Storm nodded to indicate she heard me, "I am pretty sure about who will be arriving, you know, Loki, Sif … Thor." Storm stopped working and raised her head, levelling her gaze at me, after a few moments of silence Storm spoke. "I am very happy in my current role, Joel." 

I nod, having expected her reply. "Are they a threat?" She adds.

I answer honestly, "No, if Sif led them then maybe, she had a decent mind, Loki is a magician who relies on illusions to stab people in the back with dagger, Thor is a spoilt child who does as he wants."

Storm sighs, she goes quiet for a while so I wait patiently.

"You have already increased my power, how would I fair against him?" she finally asks.

"As you are now? Power wise you would be equal, you would lose in other aspects. I do not plan to send you as you are though. I plan to give you the Godhead of Storm and lighting, I say that but you will have a lot more than that." I try bait her in.

"Oh, you mentioned last time you wanted to get your hands on something before you created it, am I to assume you have it now?"

I smirk, "The divinity of the Russian Thunder God, equal to Thor's even at his peak, strength that has no recorded limit, the ability to not only summon, but produce lighting within your own body, and total control of the weather on Earth and in space, and naturally the Gods physical attributes."

"You really went all out, afraid I would say no?" Storm grins

"Yes, you are literally the perfect person to have this Godhead Storm." 

"Will I still be able to keep my role?" 

"Yes, you will even be able to create 2 angels to help you, and have your own domain within my realm you can use as you like."

"How long before they arrive?"

"No idea."

Storm sighs and nods, "Fine, I agree."

And I finally got my Goddess of the Storm.
