

I looked up and snapped my fingers, dispersing the storm as Goku arrived and helped a girl with a balloon. Seeing him all grown up, I told Gine that he was her uncle. Gine put away the umbrella she held and jumped at Goku, giving him a hug. We went to sign up and wait for the others. They arrived right after the booth said they were closing and got to sign up anyways.

We headed to the hotel after the group meeting and Goku asked me how powerful I was. I released enough of my power to make all of the Z fighters feel it. They all got serious and afraid once they felt the true depths of my strength. I put it away just as quickly and flicked Goku in the head. "After this tournament Bulma's agreed to let me train with you guys so that when and if something bad happens I won't be so busy trying to protect everyone."

I scratched my head as Gine sat on my shoulders again. "I'm thinking about opening a martial arts school using the turtle hermit training method to teach hundreds or possibly thousands of fighters while Bulma's busy in the labs. I've sort of almost reached the peak of my goals so it's basically just increasing my body's foundation strength from here on out."

Krillan gulped. "Just how powerful are you planning on becoming?"

I shrugged. "That was my full strength before I use a transformation technique I learned that multiplies my power output by three hundred percent. I'm sure Goku can learn it some day, plus there are similar techniques the rest of you can learn in the book."

Tien smiled. "Thanks for that by the way, it was definitely helpful in our training."

I nodded slowly before telling Gine she could go tinker with technology in her room. She was off like a rocket happily laughing and I sighed. "So much like her mother. Why can't she enjoy both?"

Bulma smiled. "Maybe our next baby will."

I nodded and Krillan asked. "You're pregnant again?"

Bulma nodded. "Yup. Three months now. Speaking of which, mama needs some pampering."

She dragged me away to our room while they laughed. I swear I had to eat a senzu juice before we finished because damned if she didn't milk me for all the seed I had before she was sated. If it were physically possible, I'd have no doubt in my mind we drowned the baby in her by now if we hadn't boxed it to death with our jackhammering motions. I stroked her wet thighs and cleaned her while she laid there with hooded eyes and watched me.

Smiling, I wiped the bit on the side of her mouth she hadn't swallowed and once she was no longer making a mess on the towel we laid out, I removed it and pulled her naked form into my arms while we got some rest before dinner. We all had fun before dinner and I promised to teach them things during our matches. That night Bulma was back to draining me like a needy succubus. She rode me when I tapped out and used me to seek her own pleasures while I watched.

That lasted until I climaxed and caused her to squirt, passing out for a quick minute against my chest. I carried her to the shower and when she was good and awake, lubed her up as I slid in her rear. She acted like a cat with it's tail stepped on and only relaxed after I was fully in her. I kissed her neck and moved her, bouncing her slowly and faster as we went while rubbing her clit and massaging her tits. I tweaked her nipples and clit as we both climaxed and I pulled free, leaving her sore hole gaping and full of liquid pouring out.

When she recovered, she went to chew me out and I entered her other more accustomed depths. I worked her into a passionate frenzy and finished us both off for the night. While I washed us, I told her. "I wanted you to know you're mine in every way and I wanted you even when we have to stop for the baby's health."

I cleaned her rear and fingered her sore hole while looking at her in the eyes. "There are other ways for us to have our pleasures and I'm willing to go as far as you are if it makes you happy."

She shivered and kissed me while I gently stopped cleaning her and worked her into pleasure. Once we laid down later I held her and told her we have a lifetime together, more if we become immortal and I fully intend to ensure she's safe, happy and well satisfied as much as I can of it. She fell asleep against my chest smiling and I swore to never take that smile away if I could avoid it. The next morning we went to the testing part of the tournament and split up so I could go through the qualifiers.

I noticed Piccolo, the son of King Piccolo and Goku having a stare off. Kami decided to stay out of things it seems having felt my power. In the end I faced his would be vessel and beat him with ease before he hopped down to go be with his kid. The qualifiers passed quickly and I was forced to eliminate Krillan before the tournament.

He still gave it his all and I taught him the destructo disk before I knocked him out of the ring. When the tournament started I took out Yamcha after teaching him the Masenko ball. Chiaotzu had lost to Piccolo in the qualifiers so he was out with Krillan and Yamcha now. Goku faced Chichi next and beat her when she promised to tell him her name once he wins.

They agreed to marry and Piccolo faced Tien. I was a bit surprised how evenly matched they were until I realized Goku must've let them use the gravity training room. Piccolo won in the end and Tien was made to drink the formulates senzu juice while he recovered in the audience stands. I faced Goku next and he went all out.

Luckily the capsule corp high speed cameras and action replay was top notch. Bulma had made them when Gine had a cookie thief problem and donated them to the tournament once the security at capsule corp was upgraded. Anyways, our fight was a sight to behold and I pushed Goku to the absolute limits before showing him the dragon fist kamehameha wave.

It was so powerful I had to redirect it upwards and into space so it didn't harm anyone. I spartan kicked him out of the ring and he stopped floating, giving me the win. Bulma handed him some juice and I turned to Piccolo. "There's no need to wait. You can't beat me so we might as well get this over with."

He smirked and came out since his opponent quit after he brutalized Tien. The world's second most brutal beating commenced and when I left him there barely alive, I told him. "It doesn't pay to be a jackass, so why not be friends? I can teach you to grow stronger than you've ever been and you can make genuine ties to this world. You aren't your father, you aren't a murderer, even if you are a killer."

I gave him the senzu bean drink and win the tournament, telling the audience as my fifth consecutive win I'd be retiring from official martial arts tournament and opening a dojo in west city where I'd train anyone willing to learn in the turtle hermit ways. Hopped off the arena and flew to Bulma and Gine who said it was boring. I sweat dropped and begged her to join the dojo.

She said no and that she wants to be like her mom and invent things. I drew circles on the ground until Bulma sighed and told me she agreed with the dojo. I gave Master Roshi the five hundred thousand Zenii prize as compensation for using his teaching techniques before telling him that he was always welcome to come and be an instructor. We left and Goku got married before we parted ways.

I spent the next five years training thousands of martial artists and warriors, giving them simulated environments, helping local businesses and allowing them access to weighted clothes and gravity training rooms. The average power level of earth went up by a fuck ton considering all the Z fighters were given similar accommodations in capsule forms a month after the tournament.

My prized pupil was hilariously Hercule Satan. He'd won the next world martial arts championship. Most could fly, teleport and go toe to toe with Goku before he went to Namek in the series. As it is, I'd gathered the dragon balls and shoved them in the hyperbolic time chamber for a full year so the evil in them had dispersed fully.

I recommended Mr.Popo do that once every few years from now on. Still, they all sat in my personal training room at home. I'd taught Goku how to achieve super Saiyan and made sure he was well on his way to that before he'd gone off to help raise his kid. Piccolo never stopped training with me and it showed as his power was already more than Frieza's second form.

He and Roshi helped me keep an eye on the dojo while I was with Bulma, Gine and our five year old, Zeus. My son was exactly like me, not dumb, but loved training and fighting. He could go super Saiyan fairly quickly and with ease. Still, I had him working on the basics to strengthen his foundation all the time.

Bulma had insisted on birth control after he was born because two was enough for now. Still, my reward for winning the tournament and being so accommodating was her bringing Launch to our bed. It was great until she sneezed while I was releasing inside her tight virgin cunt. She'd lost herself and shot me with a gun made of magic.

I was fine, but it made having more fun complicated until she submitted. She was now our house keeper and the mother of three more half Saiyan brats. After she'd turned up with one Bulma had admitted it was on both of us so she hired her to 'help me rebuild my race' as she so elegantly put it. We'd used the dragon balls to find out everything about the Saiyans in book form and we found very few remained after Frieza blew up planet Vegeta.

Still, in that time even with five kids, neither woman said no when I wanted them and when they were busy I was mastering super Saiyan four. Yup, I'd done it and it'd damned near killed me. Hell, it'd damned near destroyed the planet. If I hadn't regained control when I did earth would be space dust.

Once my super Saiyan great ape form shrank, I'd achieved the form and spent years mastering it while increasing my base strength by adding more weight and having Bulma up the gravity room's effects. Still, I didn't miss Gine's puppy love boyfriend she tried to sneak passed me. It was some kid her age from the dojo at least.

As it is I'm lucky Videl and Zeus are still young with how they watch each other and compete. My father-in-law came to me a week before the big meeting of the Z fighters on Kame island and requested some DNA samples to better understand the Saiyan resistance ability to adapt to our environment. More specifically he pissed Bulma off by saying he wanted to have his wife incubate them.

Bulma said no and he told her she was made the same way. She was shocked to find out he couldn't have kids directly having lost that ability in a lab accident. She still said no because no kid of mine would be born that way even if she was. He suggested the normal way and they argued back and forth for a day until Bulma just told me to get it over with.

So yeah, I bounced my seemingly immortal mother in law on my lap for a whole night, putting enough in her to start my own basketball team. After that she came to me repeatedly once her pregnancy was confirmed and Bulma put up with it until she was interrupting our time. Then it became all of our time because I did have her, Bulma and Launch together.

Dr.Brief's got to study the cells of the fetus as it was beginning to multiply and how they reacted when confronted with human DNA that just seemed to be absorbed and making them a stronger whole. Mrs.Brief's seemed to go into heat just like Bulma when she was pregnant while Launch was always wet and ready for me. Launch begged me to put another baby in her and I did before having my way with the now stacked mother and daughter duo.

Bulma was against it at first, but I gave her more than enough attention and satisfaction to date her worries. Three days later we headed to meet up with the others. Gine was off with her boyfriend on a date and didn't want to come so it was Bulma, Launch, Zeus, Poseidon, Kratos and Ares with me heading to Kame house.

My sons all had tails and knew they weren't allowed to look at the moon. Bulma had special glasses made for each of them that negated and deflected the blitz waves from the moon so it was fine. When we met up with everyone, Bulma was far more relaxed. It helped that we'd taken our time and I'd fucked my women all just before we left.

Bulma was like putty in my arms while our sons climbed all over me like little monkeys. Once relaxing in my arms on a beach chair while we waited for the others to arrive, she spoke with Launch while the kids went and played with Turtle and in the water. Krillan showed up first with a hot super model on his arm. I gave him the best advice I could, to lock that shit down.

I told him I could feel her love for him and it had nothing to do with money. I flicked his head and told him that she loved him for him and if he rejected her, he'd just be hurting them both for no reason except his own insecurities. He agreed and I warned him the jewel of the ocean was a mermaid egg so it would be rude if he went and stole someone's baby for her.

He agreed and I told him to give me a minute. I felt out with my ki and teleported all over the seas, retiring with hundreds of chests of gold, jewels, old swords and rusty armors. I told him there was a mountain's worth in my magic ring right now thanks to that. I shook and blew off the water before telling him that was the best of it so he could pick what he wanted and sell the rest to keep up his rich lifestyle if he wants.

He hugged me saying I was the best while Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu and Puir arrived. Tien asked what that was about and I pointed to Krillan kneeling with a big as diamond ring in front of Merrin who agreed to marry him. I told him I gave Krillan some advice and retrieved a bunch of lost treasures from the seas. I laid down on a beach chair and Tien hit up Launch until our sons came over to her calling her mama and showing her a pretty necklace they found in the treasure chests.

Tien asked if I'd had kids with her and Launch nodded, blonde and all. "My less fun side agreed to a three way and one sneeze later I was pregnant. Best damned transformation I've ever had as it turns out. Ren taught me how to control my unique changes and treats me like his woman. These three funny brats are ours."

Poseidon didn't care about being called a brat and neither did Ares or Kratos. It was her own way of showing affection and she rubbed her stomach saying soon we'd have a forth brat on it's way. They looked to Bulma gobsmacked and she told them about the Saiyan race and how we'd nearly been screwed into extinction by a dumb king and an evil space tyrant. She waved a hand and told them it helps rebuild my race and ensured the planet is safe long after we're gone, plus she knows I'd stop if she asked.

She smiled and told them for once she wasn't the baby factory and she was going to enjoy bikini season. Tien got out of her light and called me one lucky guy. I shrugged. "I'm a dying breed. Bulma doesn't want any more kids for now and she gets all the fun of being a second mom to the brats while not having to worry so much."

Zeus came over saying he senses someone coming and sure enough Goku and Gohan arrived. I sensed Raditz arrive and sent Hercule to stop him from killing anyone with a thought. I told Hercule to bring him to me alive with his pod while I relaxed and took off my gi, revealing swim trunks underneath. Bulma and Launch appreciated my well proportioned muscular physique at least.

They smiled and I took the kids playing in the water while they talked to Merrin. When Raditz arrived, he demanded to know just how a human could overpower him so easily. I grunted. "Humans have limitless potential to grow while we saiyans have limitless potential for survival. Simply put, I trained them to become stronger. They put in the hard work and are striving to achieve their potential."

I turned to Hercule who bowed to me. I smiled and waved him off. "Go spar with Piccolo. I'm sure with the day he's having he could use a bit of a stretch and you seem to have grown enough to give him that."

Hercule smiled. "Yes, sensei."

I nodded as he teleported away and turned to Raditz. "I don't know what you hoped to achieve by coming here big brother, but you're mistaken if you think you can hurt this planet. See, Kakarot as you would know him-"

I waved to Goku and continued. "Is very happy here. I myself have a family and students to teach."

I gave him a look and his scouter reached the limits of what it could measure. I lowered my power level to zero and continued. "Even if I wasn't here to stop you, you'd have to face everyone here and all of my students besides. None of which by your measure have a power level below fifty thousand."

I smirked and sat down with my kids going to their moms. "Even if you could somehow beat them we'd just use the Namekian wish orbs to bring them all back and make them immortal or something. So you can stay and I can teach you how to become stronger, or you can leave. But I'm warning you, I'll end you off you attack earth or harm a single human. We're a warrior race, not animals."

He hesitated before saying he'd leave. He got in his ship and left immediately while I turned to Goku. It's time you asked Kami to teach you how to become stronger. You've reached a plateau and haven't achieved super Saiyan. Go see him when you drop off Gohan."

I turned to the others. "And take those who want to go with you. There's only so much I can teach you. The rest you need different teachers who have a better understanding of things."

We enjoyed hanging out for a bit before Krillan went home with Merrin. Every other fighter except Yamcha went with Goku. Yamcha said he wasn't into it anymore and had in fact picked up a pro baseball career. Master Roshi didn't go, but he did use his own gravity room to train, keenly motivated once more when Bulma told him if he tried to grope her again I'd blast him to the moon.

We went home and soon the Z fighters were off to King Kai's place to train for half a year.

When Raditz returned with the two other saiyans, the Z fighters returned and the Saiyans got their asses kicked. Vegeta tried to kill Raditz and Nappa, but I stopped him and sent Nappa to Hollywood. Raditz I healed from near death and he became stronger. Not Vegeta strong, but more than a grunt for their lot.

Honestly a random street fighter could beat their asses at this point. Still, Vegeta crawled into his spaceship and decided to head to Namek before surprising Piccolo with a destructo disk he'd seen Krillan kill his garden gnome grunts with. None of us had expected it and he was gone while Piccolo died, ending the dragon balls here on earth as Kami died as well. I buried Piccolo and told Goku to check on Kami.

Bulma said we needed to get to Namek and her father made a special spaceship with her help over the years. It just needed a star map and planetary charts. Mr.Popo offered a solution in Kami's old ship and we all headed to Namek while Launch stayed home with our kids. I brought only Zeus and Bulma while Goku brought Gohan who'd been training at the dojo with Piccolo ever since Raditz had shown up.

The ship had a gravity room for the rest of them to train in so we arrived within a week on Namek. There we gathered the dragon balls and protected the people of Namek, taking most of them to earth with instant transmissions. We used the dragon balls to revive Piccolo which revived Kami. Then we asked for a new and safe Namek in earth's solar system in case they need our help.

With that done, I wished for an indestructible gravity training room that had as few limits as the dragon could muster in capsule form. The others gave me an odd look and I shrugged. "What? We definitely don't need the wish and it helps me get stronger again. Don't worry, I'll share when I'm not training."

Bulma grabbed my ear and said I'd best not be in there all the time. I agreed and the namekian wished for it, passing me the capsule that poof'd into existence. The dragon balls went to scatter and I stopped them all, sending them to new Namek before dropping all their people off there. When Vegeta showed up he got his ass handed to him again and this time it was by Frieza who showed up pissed.

Piccolo faced Frieza first and the rest cycled through until he went into his final form. Goku faced him and Frieza tried to kill Krillan, only for me to stop it. Goku went super Saiyan to Vegeta's surprise. Vegeta asked how and I scoffed, going through the super Saiyan forms for all to see and explaining them, ending in super Saiyan four.

I told them it takes even greater control to master four than the rest combined. I returned to my base form and told him what Goku was doing was just the beginning. Even Raditz looked incredulous until it was time to leave. Goku killed Frieza and Frieza had set the planet to self destruct so I grabbed Goku, Frieza's ship and booked it on our ship.

Raditz and Vegeta watched us warily until I offered Raditz one last chance to learn from home on how to become stronger. He agreed and I turned to Vegeta. "I'll leave you with the Saiyan manual and the ki technique manual I got from the dragon balls. Seeing as how you killed Piccolo, you'll forgive me if I don't train you incase you turn on me."

He called my a coward and I nearly killed him with my tail alone. When he lay beaten and broken, bleeding on the training room floor of the ship, I told him. "A simple thank you would've gotten you far dear weak princeling. Call me a coward for not raising a traitor again and you won't live long enough to become a super Saiyan."

I walked away and Tien gave him a drink to heal him. Nearly two years soon passed while Vegeta was off world after stealing the spaceship. Raditz had achieved super Saiyan alongside all my kids, Gohan and Nappa who stopped by the dojo. He'd gone off to become a movie producer backed by Hercule though so he stopped at just basic super Saiyan.

In the meantime Goku, Zeus and Gohan had achieved full mastery of the ascended super Saiyan and were working on super Saiyan two. The humans were all taught kaio ken including everyone at my dojo. I'd even taught it to the Namekians after they learned to teleport to earth and back. Kami had fused with Piccolo and synced with Nail, becoming a super namekian reaching passed super Saiyan power to near super Saiyan two.

It was quite impressive to say the least. Gloria, Bulma's mother, had given me another daughter and was working on a second child. After having sex for the first time in who knows how long, she wasn't about to stop anymore. Launch had baby Thor, our youngest son.

She too was taking a break from having kids for a while and simply enjoying me. Krillan was happily married with a daughter named Pearl. Where there was good news, there was bad. It seems due to their time in hell thanks to Goku falling off snake way and them going after him, Tien, Chiaotzu and Goku were sterile. Piccolo doesn't have the same reproductive organs while Krillan and Yamcha didn't go so they were safe.

Still, Bulma was having a sad talk with Chichi who wanted another kid. Not even the senzu beans, drink or the new alien healing pods could fix their issues. Meanwhile Vegeta showed up with a pregnant Tights, Bulma's other sister not including baby Kini. Apparently her friend at the galactic patrol had introduced them by trying to get her to get Vegeta to leave a protected planet where he trained.

She ended up pregnant and her friend left earth immediately finding things interesting elsewhere. Oddly enough Piccolo said he remembered the galactic patrol idiot showing up, trying and giving up after a few minutes because it was too hard. I hardly cared. Many of my students had spread out and taught at branch dojos all over the globe.

Even the average kid these days had over a thousand battle power while the strong ones were over nine thousand! Jk, they were far higher. About twenty to thirty thousand was the average teen these days while adults ranged from fifth to a million where Hercule was now. He'd won his second world martial arts championship.

Hell, he was now actively helping Piccolo, myself and Roshi run the dojo in west city. We soon met Trunks and learned of Goku's vital heart disease after Trunks killed Frieza and king Cold for good. I did collect samples via Frieza's tail, but that's neither here nor there. He warned us of the androids and left saying we had three years before they arrived.

Three more years passed as soon every human beyond diapers were a hundred thousand in power level while most were in the tens of millions. Hercule was a beast at a hundred million having perfected the Kaio Ken times fifty to boot. Goku, Gohan and Raditz had reached super Saiyan two while Vegeta was off world again working on basic super Saiyan still. Even my youngest kids were going super Saiyan these days, only lasting a few second because their bodies couldn't hold it long.

Gine had moved out being eighteen and having college along with a boyfriend who had a stable job. Zeus was eleven and Gohan was ten while the kids were, well, kids. I did teach Gohan and Zeus the fusion dance and they were impressive, knowing it's limitations and working on themselves separately as much as together. In the meantime, while everyone else went Android hunting, Bulma dragged me to Chichi who said Goku gave the ok.

I had my way with her alone for now since she was shy. Once she experienced me though, she said it was so much better than Goku. I didn't comment, repeatedly fucking her and filling her until she was barely conscious. When she was mumbling and leaking from behind, I spread her cheeks and went where Goku hadn't.

Chichi was awake then and struggled to take me while I told her that she was mine from now on, my cum slut, my woman and my children would come from her alone from now on. I drove her to agreeing and used her as I saw fit. She was ready the next morning and prepared to take me again and again to get whatever it is she wanted in whatever way I would give it to her. She submitted easy and I left her bed very happy while she was covered and filled to the brim.

I'd taught her how to travel via teleportation and told her from now on she'd come to my bed every night or I'd come and take her in front of Goku. I'd told her every Saiyan had an animal in them and I was an alpha apex predator. I told her Goku lost his right to have her and from now on she wouldn't allow him to or the punishment would be far worse. Bulma told her while she was cleaning her with a washcloth that Saiyans were very territorial and if she let Goku have her again my instincts would drive me to kill him.
