

You hand spent the following days either laid up with jimin under the blanket or exploring around forest as far as jimin would let you go. But he always made sure to keep an eye on you and to keep you close. It was the last day you had woken early in his arms. It was warm and the sun had just reached the ridge, the sky was orange and pink. You sat there at least 20 minutes listening to the birds chirping. But that soon got boring so you slipped out of his arms and put on his shirt and your shoes. Quietly without waking him you left the cave from behind the waterfall. You had gotten good at navigating the slippery rocks. You didn't know where you were going now that you were out just that you wanted to take a little walk. Keeping the sun directly in front of you, you headed east enjoying the morning dew. The walk must have been longer than you expected cause you saw caves. At some point on the walk you had past the border to the territory. You remembered jimin telling you to stay far from this area. You were about to turn around when a wolf jumped in front of you blaring his teeth and growling you stopped in your spot

you: …

You had no idea what to do. Namjoon always warned you about rogues and you always joked you could take care of yourself but you were defenseless. In a weak human form on a rut that could show up at any second. You couldn't run or fight back.

You: I am sorry i didn't mean to stumble onto your land i will be leaving

You started to walk backward when there was another growl behind you. The wolves began to circle you, one let out a howl and more wolves began to jump from behind bushes and the caves. It was a wolf pack of rogues. You started to shake… they were gonna kill you as you just found your mate… panicking you felt tears well up

You: please I don't want any trouble

?: neither do we

You turned to the only human voice. He emerged from the cave

?: what's your name little wolf

You: y/n… kim y/n

Technically that's wrong isn't it i am now a park… but he doesn't need to know that

?: what pack are you from kim y/n

He got closer. You straightened up and looked ahead as he walked behind you.

You: i don't have a pack

Wolves began to growl

?: your lying… your no rogue

You: I am not

He walked in front of you and put his hand on your cheek

?: No rogue is as delicate as you. Such soft blemish free scar free skin. I mean look at what your wearing any female rogue knows what she wears when she is in human form is what dictates how the men treat her. But i will give you another chance to tell the truth and be smart about it

You swallowed. I can't tell them . jimin told me about there rogue problem and how because of a misunderstanding his pack gets attacked. And if i say i am with namjoon then it could start a problem for him.

You: my pack kicked me out. This is all i had on me

Acting is the best thing right now. You began to tear up not enough to give you away but enough to water your eyes. I can only smell the waterfall on me so hopefully they can to.

?: how long ago was that. It must have been fresh so the moonlight or darkfur but last i heard they haven't kicked any wolf out. I have my spies within the packs

He has people within the packs both packs… why would he tell me unless he is fishing for something

You: it was maybe a month ago i have been travelling east. I stopped yesterday to wash up and clean off.

?: your too well fed

You: the packs here are generous but still cautious. They would leave food out. I have been in the area for at least a week. Moving from hole to hole.

I used the basic stories from namjoon. We would do that if we say a young starving rogue. If it was really bad we would take them in and give them a choice to stay.

?: then your lucky. most packs do whatever they want to rogues.

You: they could tell i didn't belong in the rogue world

?: they can tell we can tell. Oh baby girl

He smirked at you while holding your face still it made your stomach feel sick

You: i really don't want any trouble

?: i know i know

He walked behind you and yelled

?: but we can't let you… you see i know all about you kim y/n beta of moonlight pack. Oh i mean acting beta

You turned and looked at him. He smiled. He was playing you seeing how far you would go meaning his people are in the moonlight pack. Rogues we have taken in and rehabilitated.

Wolf: we need to get out. Enough games

I have been lookin around and there is no hole for me to escape through i am not stupid to think they would really let me go. But if they wanted to kill they would have. They are gonna use me as a message somehow. But to namjoon meaning they do not know what happened to me about me finding a mate. Meaning namjoon hasn't told the people. What if he never made it home. What if they attacked while we were at the meeting and the week i just spent he was being tortured and or killed. My only family.

Wolf: calm down we don't know anything

Why wouldn't namjoon tell the people that i was mated to the darkfur

Wolf: cause you were stuck in the forest in a weak stage if he told people and word got out you would be targets for rogues. It's possible he hid this to keep you safe.

likely and but we can't prove that

Wolf: he said contact him after the week. Maybe he is waiting on the confirmation then will tell them.

The pack would ask questions if i didn't return with him

Wolf: but he wouldn't tell them. He wouldn't even tell wendy. I am sure of it

How sure

Wolf: let's test it

You looked at the man

?: you and lavender come to a conclusion

He smirked

You: so what you know who i am doesn't change anything you can torture me i won't give you anything

? there it is that female alpha spirit i was beginning to think you were losing yourself

You: usually rogues have a weakness thought i would play my card and see if yours is a damsel in distress but you can't win them all now can you. But that doesn't matter seeing as you know everything.

He nodded his head

?: there is one thing i can't figure out

You: i'm not gonna satisfy you with an answer that will hurt my pack. So you can keep wondering

He stepped closer

?: it's not gonna hurt them i promise baby girl.

You: then I may just have an answer depends on how I feel

?: fair enough. What I want to know is where have you been… my wolf says that the beta hasn't been back to the pack in a week. And it wasn't our doing this time

You glared at him

You: this time? what do you mean it wasn't your doing this time. What did you do to Hoseok

You yelled feeling angry they tried hurting him. Or that they almost succeeded in hurting him.

?: smart girl you knew what I was talking about right away

You: tell me what the hell you did

You stepped forward but the wolves around you growled

?: you know what happened to him. He was poisoned

You: I know that I'm not stupid. you poisoned him why?

?: it was for the alpha enough to kill him leaving your pack weak enough vulnerable to an attack. But it was a miss seems the beta likes to enjoy the alphas tea.

You began to feel angry. He attempted to kill your brother. Almost would have gotten away with it

You: namjoon doesn't drink lilac tea he is allergic

?: that's why he turned down the tea

you: its not deathly just a couple hives. enough to make an uncomfortable afternoon

He thought to himself… his spies didn't know. I have to figure out more time for a fishing expedition

You: but to even get it that far you needed one to pick and one to deliver so it's not even one wolf you have multiple.

?: i see your as smart as you are beautiful

He smirked which was more of a grimace.

You: two new wolves. One in the picking team… the whole team that day was effected

You looked down thinking to yourself

You: he did it on purpose…

He nodded. Who was on that team who went to the hospital that was a rescue rogue...

You: she did it on purpose chaeryeong…

She was the most recent rogue to be saved

you: so we would rule it an accident and not look into it she poisoned everyone.

?: never can pass a chance to help a weak female in trouble it was quite easy to spot out the sexistness of your system you know.

You ignored him

You: none of our kitchen staff was affected. I thought that was strange… chaeryeong was brought in with her younger sister chaemin who works kitchen staff. After effecting everyone on the picking staff and herself she brought the poison to chaemin who put it in the tea to give to my brother. But since he was allergic and would never waste anything he gave it to his beta.

?: it took me years to plan. All down the drain cause he gave it to his beta. But thanks to you i will keep it in mind next time

You: next time

?: a year after they stop doing checks on everything cause eventually you settle into the state oh everything is safe and you drop your guard then we will act again. My spies will just have to wait longer before coming home

Spies he never gave a number. But If he had more than those two they would have been in place already those are the newest two added. And if they were already added they would know not to use lilac they would have told him before putting the plan in place. So Chaeryeong and chaemin are his first two spies and his first and only attempt at killing him. He is still alive…

Wolf: doesn't explain why he wants to know why you were gone

You: you plan on trying again. Is that so smart when you have just told me all this information

He smirked

?: well after we get what we want, you're dead. You're never gonna see you brother again….

You: then why ask where i was. Why do you want to know

?: well to see if your brother knows where you're at of course. Which i assume he does. So then that leads to why is he hiding your whereabouts… why are you dressed like that all the way out here… and who is gonna come looking

Jimin…. I left him without saying anything… he is still asleep. He said he was really tired but this tired i have been gone for at least 2 hours. He should have noticed I was gone and came looking for me.... But why wouldn't he just mindlink me… that's the first thing i would do if i found he left

Wolf: you turned it off last night cause he was creeping in your thoughts after claiming you

I am so stupid… you quickly turned it on

jimin*: y/n yah where are you. I have been screaming into your mindlink…

He was looking for you… meaning he has been following your scent which would lead him here and blow everything

you*: where are you at

jimin*: coming to you of course how long have you been out

you*: stop
