

Brock, "I think we rounded all of them."

Yellow nodded, "Yeah, I'll go check on the others."

Brock checked on the Pokemon who were resting around them from the tiring battle that had occurred. He was still moving due to his adrenaline and went around making sure their ailments were treated. The exhaustion would have to be dealt with patience and long rests, no exceptions. Yellow was reporting to Gold as he secured a safe area for them after the Officers left with the criminals. Brock bit his lip, he had not seen Ash around, he hoped he was alright and unhurt. Ash was basically his younger brother from another mother and he really hoped, he was okay.

Ash was with Ritchie helping Lugia and Silver sneak away in all the commotion. The two boys worked quitely to ensure they didn't attract any zealous trainer's attention who were too curious for their own good. Both their Pokemon were in a state of unrestrained fury borderline feral. It would not end well for anyone approaching them at the moment and the last thing they needed was to deal with a trainer in over their heads. Thank Mew for James and Meowth who were taking point and hacked the security to get people to evacuate.

Ash mumbled, "Come on! We are almost at the water."

Ritchie, "Remember to stay hidden as you leave the area. There may still be team members around the place."

Lugia eyed them then nodded understanding the need for safety. Silver however was not pleased and protested against leaving them behind. The two of them assured the young Legendary that they would be fine. After a lot of coaxing and comforting, the mother and son duo finally left. They disappeared underneath the waters and Ash hoped they could get out of there safely.

Ritchie eyed his friend, "So, how did you find this place?"

Ash, "We received or rather Gold received your message. We made plans and back up plans with back up plans around the Intel."

Ritchie finally crashed, "Oh good, I was starting to... "

Ash caught him, "Yeah, I get it. Get some rest Ritchie. I got your back."

Ritchie, "I know."

Lucario, -Looks like we'll be here for a while.-

James eyed them, "Here, antibiotics and antiflamation medicine."

Meowth, "Dun luk at us lik dat, kit."

James, "Didn't think we would notice you taking hits? We won't tell anyone but you have to let us care for you in return."

Ash opened his mouth then shut it again, 'Ah, they did the same thing with Ash in the anime. Why am I surprised? It's not like they are evil.'

Ash, "Thank you."

Meowth nuzzled the dark haired teen while James checked on Ritchie's health muttering about teens who didn't know how to take care of themselves. The two left but not before informing Jessie was returning with Green from Hoenn and expect her to join. Ash didn't mind all things considered, Jessie was really cool and a powerful trainer, though that might be just his bias speaking. Ash moved around so both him and Ritchie could be more comfortable as he sat waiting for him to wake up.

Pikachu, "Pikapi."

Ash, "I'm okay, don't worry. The adrenaline is just leaving now. At least he is getting rest."

Zippo and Happy had made themselves comfortable around Ritchie and him, Zippo was warm and Happy was very sweet. Ash watched as the sun rose and morning soon turned to day. Lucario ran his aura over Ritchie telling Ash about the cuts and bruises on Ritchie's body. Ash gritted his teeth as he told Lucario to tell him everything and to not leave anything out. Zippo and Happy whined as they heard about how their trainer was hurt Ritchie mumbled as he woke up and pat Zippo and Happy.

Ritchie, "Sorry for sleeping on top of you."

Ash, "Don't worry about it. You have been pushing yourself for this mission. Also here take these, antibiotics and antiflamation."

Ritchie, "Ah, thanks. I'm also hungry, so brunch?"

Ash, "Yeah, it's already past morning but first let's give a verbal report to Gold. The written report can be done after eating something."

Ritchie nodded, "Sure."

The two got up and Ash noticed Ritchie was a bit subdued, the dark haired teen held back the urge to stomp over and stab the man. Ash took a deep breath instead and started to talk about what he had been doing and how he only need one badge and ribbon. Ritchie blinked and then smiled listening to the shenanigans Ash and his group got into. He was a bit surprised to learn that Misty, Chloe, Serena and Melody were currently in Jhoto.

Ash, "Come on, I see Gold. Let's give our accounts and then go get a shower and a bite to eat."

Ritchie could feel the blood drying on his skin, it was an unpleasant feeling, "Yeah. A hot shower sounds really good."

Gold looked up, "Champion Ash, trainer Ritchie report."

Ash and Ritchie straightened, this was a Champion addressing them not a senior and definitely not a friend. The two of them gave their verbal accounts, first Ritchie and then Ash before being let go. Ash took Ritchie to the Pokemon center where Ritchie also had a room and they both took their time to clean up both themselves and their Pokemon. After they were done, they decided to go to a more private restaurant with rooms, just in case one of them have to break down.

Brock, "Ash! Ritchie too."

Ritchie, "Brock, hey, been a ooof!"

Brock had hugged them tight, "I'm glad you are safe. I was worried."

Ash muttered, "We are gonna grab some food somewhere quiet and private."

Brock frowned then nodded, "I'll tell the others you need space."

Ritchie, "Thanks Brock."

The two left the Pokemon center and avoided groups of people that were coming out of safe zones and buildings. They waited till one of the restaurants known for it's discretion and entered showing their IDs. The owner happily shower them to a private lounge which they could use without being disturbed by others. Once privacy was ensured Ash and Ritchie started to shake and their Pokemon were there to catch them as they broke.

Lucario called Bayleef and Lily, Ritchie's Sceptile get the door and the food. The other Pokemon had coaxed their humans to sit down and try to relax. Killing it as never meant to be easy. Ash stared at the food, appetite lost though it looked good and smelled good, he was not sure he could bring himself to eat any of it. He had already vomited back at the Pokemon center once the adrenaline completely crashed. His Pokemon had become alarmed and Bayleef had kept using aromatherapy on him.

Ritchie muttered, "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks guys, girls."

Lucario, -Take it easy. We are here for you.-

Ash, "We should eat something, even though I feel like I'm gonna puke everything out."

Ritchie, "Ditto that feeling. It doesn't get any better either, does it?"

Ash, "Not as far as I can remember. My therapist is gonna have a field day tomorrow."

Ritchie winced, "Mine too."

The two boys sighed as they got up from the carpeted floor, luckily they didn't puke their guts out. They sat at the dining table and started to slowly eat the food which tasted like dust in their mouths. Ash has no doubt that if they had come here for actually eating rather then to avoid everyone then they would be enjoying the food. Ritchie bet that their phones were no doubt filled with message and questions about their safety.

Ash stretched his back, "We should go meet the others."

Ritchie, "Do I have to?"

Ash, "Brock has no doubt told everyone you were here. So yes, unless you want them to hound you once we part ways. You know very well, Misty and Gou will find a way.'

Ritchie laughed, "Why them specifically?"

Ash walked towards the centre, "Misty is an upcoming gym leader and Gou is becoming quite an expert in catching Legendaries in live video and pictures."

Ritchie, "I suppose you are right. Alright, I will go with you just to reassure them I'm alive."

Ash wound their arms together, "Let's go then."

Ritchie laughed as his friend dragged him along to meet with the others. His laugh sounded much better in Ash's opinion and he hoped he sounded stable as well. He can break down again when he was with Brock, no need to traumatize the rest of the group with a breakdown. Lucario eyed his Meema sensing the direction his thoughts were going and frowned sharing a look with the other Pokemon.

Lucario, -We need to take better care of Meema.-

Bayleef nods, "Bay, bay."

Croconaw, "Naaaaaw."

Cyndaquill hurried after Ash, "Cynda."

Pikachu was on Lucario's shoulder, "Pikapi. Pi pika. Pikachu?"

Lucario, -We'll keep a closer eye on him, in fact, between all of us I'm sure we can help him.-

The two met up with the rest of the gang who were very relieved to see them both safe and sound. They invited Ritchie to spend the day with them at least, since all of them would be leaving the next day to different locations. It was a chaotic afternoon and evening with them chatting while helping people relocate or cleaning up the minor damages around the City. Ritchie was happy for the distraction, it kept him from remembering what happened when he was captured.

Misty eyed her red haired friend, "Hey Brock, what aren't you telling me?"

Brock was helping a few Pokemon get back to their trainers, "You are gonna have to ask Ritchie for the details. All I can say is he went through hell."

Misty winced, "That bad?"

Brock, "Yes."

Misty, "Do you think he would agree if I invited him to come with me to Orange Archipelago?"

Brock, "An invite from a beautiful girl who travels with other beautiful girls? I don't see why not but he might decline because of what happened too. So... "

Misty, "Gotcha."

Ritchie spent the rest of the day avoiding to think about the physical torture he went through at Team Rocket's hands. The girls sensing something avoided asking about what happened and instead told him about their journey through the islands. Ritchie looked interested which Misty considered a win, in her book and invited him to join them in their journey. Ritchie was about to decline then shut his mouth and thought about it.

Ritchie, 'I suppose I won't get any other missions for a while. Not to forget I already have all my badges. Maybe a break by the beach would be good."

Ritchie, "Give me till tomorrow to decide. I will have to see if I can get a ticket or not."

Serena smiled, "That's okay Ritchie."

Chloe, "Yeah, fine by us."

Melody, "We are leaving around noon anyway."

Misty, "It's a plan then."

The next day, Ritchie had decided to go with the girls, making Ash remember how Gary travelled with girls in the anime. He had to stifle a laugh at the overlapping picture and snorts instead telling Ritchie to enjoy his time with the beautiful girls. Misty and Melody grinned while Chloe and Serena flushed pink at the flattery coming from the teen. They were teenage girls and flattery like that would make them blush so sue them.

Misty approached Ash, "Don't worry, we'll make sure Ritchie will be alright. You should stay safe too."

Ash smiled, "I will, don't worry. I know, you girls will take good care of Ritchie. I just hope he opens up to you. We basically broke down next to each other yesterday."

Misty looked at him concerned, "Are you gonna be okay?"

Ash nodded, "Yeah, not at the moment maybe but soon. I'm not puking anymore."

Misty nodded, "Yeah, I get it. While Serena and Chloe have not dealt with the darker side of being a trainer, being a gym leader.... "

Ash, "Mn... It never gets better."

Misty, "You just get used to it."

Ash, "And learn to cope with it."

[A. N.: Hope you all are okay.

Take care of yourselves.]
