
Jhoto - Violet City

Ash gave an amused huff, as he tried to leave his youngest pup with Lucario but the puppy was being a real sticky rice. He would cling to Ash a everytime he tried to leave him with Lucario in the stands. Lucario was sitting the first gym out as the other Pokemon wanted to give the gym a try first. Ash was having a slightly different battle compared to Casey, his beginner Pokemon were having their three on three battle first. And after that his older Pokemon were going up against the Ace team on a three on three battle.

Falkner who was watching snickered, "Your puppy is adorable. He is a newborn, isn't he?"

Ash gave a huff, "Yeah, it doesn't help he can't see yet either, so he is clingy."

Falkner released a pokeball, "He can stay with my Absol, if you want?"

Ash gave an appraising look at the multiple scars, "Your Absol, he is one of the Ace Pokemon you have."

Falkner nodded, "I adore Absols, they get hated and yet they still try to help other. They get the same amount of bs that flying types get from trainers. It gets ridiculous."

Ash nodded, "Exactly! I have been saying that for a long time now."

Falkner nodded, "They even say flying type Pokemon are weak against a lot of other typing like electric types, ice types, etc."

Ash, "That is ridiculous. My Fearrow and Pidgeot are capable of standing up to Zapdos and Articuno, the strongest electric and ice type in Kanto."

Falkner hummed, "So it really was you lot back then. I had a feeling about those Pokemon. You are the only one in Kanto with a shiny Charizard and Pidgeot."

Gou laughed, "Yeah, the disguises worked well. If no one figured it out yet. I think it's safe to say that we are safe from Team Rocket linking us to that."

Casey winced remembering her run in with that Team, "I hope we don't run into them soon."

Max mumbled, "Yeah."

Brock, "Okay guys, we are here to cheer Ash on. So cheer up."

Falkner, "You are right, Absol koi, would you mind?"

The older Absol gave a gruff bark and picked the puppy Absol to go sit near Lucario in the stands. The puppy tried to escape and return to Ash's side but the adult Absol grunted and pulled the puppy back talking to Lucario and together explained to the puppy. They both explained to the pup it was important for him to stay safe away from the battlefield where dangerous attacks can fly around. The puppy pouted but sat back down grumbling about wanting to grow up faster. The older canines huffed with laughter, meanwhile Ash called his first Pokemon.

Ash, "Heracross."

Falkner, "Go Butterfree."

Referee, "This is a battle between challenger Ash and Gym Leader Falkner for the Zephyr badge. Begin."

Ash, "Aerial Ace!"

Falkner, "Quiver dance!"

Heracross used aerial ace to increase his speed and attack while Butterfree used quiver dance to increase his special attack and defense. The two Pokemon soon clashed with aerial ace and tackle and neither one was willing to back down. The Pokemon separated before flying towards each other using the same moves again.

Ash, "Focus punch."

Falkner, "Skill swap."

Ash's eyes widened as the attacks swapped between the Pokemon and Butterfree used focus punch on Heracross instead. The attack was a surprise but Heracross ducked his head at the last moment and the punch landed on his hard back. Heracross looked up and gave a grin before using horn attack on Butterfree. Being close range Butterfree got the full burnt of the attack, Heracross mentally thanked Lucario for his brutal training. It may have been hard but it paid off.

Ash, "Sword dance!"

Falkner, "Endure!"

Butterfree endured the attacks as Heracross used sword dance on him.

Falkner, "Now air slash."

Ash, "Double team."

Heracross used double team as Butterfree attacked all the doubles.

Ash, "Shadow claw."

The shadow claw and last air slash hit each other making the Pokemon clash again.

Ash grinned, "Now fling it back."

Heracross gave a grin as well before using his shadow claw to swing the air slash and throw it back at Butterfree. Butterfree was hit hard by the attack which was also powered up by the shadow claw and went down.

Referee, "Butterfree is unable to battle. The first match goes to Heracross and Ash Ketchum."

Ash, "Good job Heracross. Get some rest buddy. You look exhausted."

Heracross eye smiled, "Hera cross cross."

Falkner, "Return, very impressive. You just recently caught Heracross if I'm correct."

Ash, "Yeah, he was very adamant about battling Lucario. Lucario says Heracross fought him because he could smell my Venasaur's sap on us."

Falkner sweat dropped, "So he joined for the food. Reminds me of one of my Pokemon."

Ash, "Now then."

Falkner held a pokeball, "Go Fletchinder.

Ash, "Chimchar!"

Falkner, "Fire against fire. What are the odds?"

Referee, "Begin!"

Falkner, "Flame charge."

Ash, "Counter with flame wheel."

The two fire users clashed sending flecks of flame across the field and hearing up the arena a little bit. It always happened when attacks of similar typing clashed, it affected the environment more than attacks of different typing. The two fire types smirked as they fought against each other using flame charge and flame wheel coupled with scratch and leer.

Ash, "Nasty plot and power up punch."

Falkner, "Quick attack followed by steel wing."

Chimchar used nasty plot to increase his attacks as Fletchinder attacked him using quick attack. Then Fletchinder used steel wing but Chimchar dodged it using fake out and attacked Fletchinder. Fletchinder not wanting to loose turned at the last moment and hit Chimchar with steel wing while Chimchar hit Fletchinder with power up punch. Both Pokemon glowered at each other before falling unconscious.

Referee, "Fletchinder and Chimchar are unable to battle. This match is a draw."

Falkner, "Return Fletchinder."

Ash, "Return chimchar, you did an awesome job buddy. Get some rest ok?"

Falkner, "Your Chimchar is strong."

Ash, "Thank you."

Falkner, "Now then let's go Pelipper."

Ash, "Your turn Tyrunt."

Max, "Woah!"

Gou, "They are matched considering the typing."

Brock, "Typing can get you so far."

Casey nodded, "This is so exciting."

Referee, "Begin!"

Falkner, "Supersonic!"

Ash, "Dig!"

Tyrunt dug underground to escape from the irritating sound the water flier was making before coming up and attacking. Pelipper however was very agile and easily dodged the bite attack Tyrunt was using.

Ash, "Ancient power."

Falkner, "Water pulse."

The ancient power and water pulse collided leaving watery sparkles around.

Ash, "Dragon claw."

Falkner, "Hydro pump."

Tyrunt had to dig in and out to dodge the hydro pump attack and the rock dragon type noticed the ground was becoming muddy and got annoyed. He roared and used sunny day to dry the area around him before jumping after Pelipper. Pelipper used hydro pump again and Tyrunt used the dragon claw to cut through the heavy shower of water.

Falkner, "Steel wing."

Ash, "Jump high then use dark pulse."

Tyrunt grunted as he he waited for Pelipper to come closer before jumping high and releasing dark pulse on the flier. The attack hit Pelipper straight on his face making him shriek before going down.

Falkner, "We are not loosing that easily, roost."

Pelipper opened his eyes before closing them and started roosting to heal himself.

Ash, "Sunny day, power yourself up."

Falkner, "Brine!"

Ash, "Dig and use thunder fang."

Tyrunt dug underground again and moved around in random directions before appearing opposite of Pelipper. Tyrunt attacked using thunder fang shocking Pelipper.

Referee, "Pelipper is unable to battle. Tyrunt wins the match. The winner is challenger Ash Ketchum and his Tyrunt."

Tyrunt roared triumphantly and Ash noticed his spikes were growing longer and bigger than before. He figured Tyrunt will soon evolve into Tyrantrum a rock dragon type Pokemon. He only hoped he won't have to worry about Tyrantrum and Charizard fighting for the role of Alpha. Lucario was thankfully considered the Prima Alpha by all his Pokemon so he could always break up fights.

Falkner, "Ash allow me to present to you the Zephyr badge as proof of winning."

Ash, "Awesome thank you Falkner. I would still like to battle one of your Ace team first. My Charizard has been itching to battle yours, same for my Togekiss."

Falkner smirked, "Are they now? I look forward to the battle. Actually we can battle now if you want."

Ash, "Yes, please."

But before they could do anything Absol was by Ash's side whining for attention.

Ash picked Absol up, "Did you sneak away again? The number of times you have managed to sneak away makes it hard to believe you are blind, you know?"

Absol liked his face, "Absol."

Falkner snickered, "Absol, dear could you?"

Falkner's Absol sighed, "Sol sol."

The older Absol then stood infront of Ash and the younger one waiting for the pup to have his fill of attention. Ash apologized to the older Absol for the trouble before giving the clingy pup to the adult canine. Absol picked the pup up by the scruff and headed to the benches where he put the pouting puppy down. Max giggled while Shroomish laughed at the pup's antics before paying attention to the battlefield.

Referee, "Thus second round of three on three battle will be between Falkner's Ace team and Ash Ketchum. Winner will be decided by the last Pokemon standing. Begin."

Falkner, "Let's go Togekiss."

Ash, "Togekiss let's go."

Casey, "Woah talk about luck."

Brock nodded, "That just makes it interesting."

Falkner, "Air slash!"

Ash, "Extreme speed."

The two Togekiss took off using air slash and extreme speed to attack each other. Both Togekiss were very powerful considering the force of the wind that was coming from their attacks. The audience had to sometimes cover their faces to not be hit by the incoming dust that was being picked up. Neither Togekiss looked like they were holding back from the speed they were using.

Casey, "They are so strong."

Max, "One day Shroomish, we will battle that way."

Shroomish, "Shroom."

Lucario had put a shield around himself and the Pokemon surrounding him. The youngest pup was quite but focused on the energy he was feeling from the wind. Abra and Eevee were watching in awe as the two flying type's battled it out above them in the sky. The older Absol watched with open interest as the younger Togekiss kept up with her sister in battle.

Ash, "Shockwave."

Falkner, "Metronome."

Ash's Togekiss powered up his electric attack while Falkner's Togekiss powered up metronome. Shockwave released at the same time metronome did. From metronome came out fire blast which collided with shockwave and caused a loud explosion.

Ash, 'Ah shit! I can't see.'

Falkner's grin was feral, 'Show me what you got kid. Give me a good fight.'

As the dust cleared the two Togekiss were flying low close to the ground. Falkner's Togekiss was affected by the shockwave while Ash's Togekiss was dealing with burns on his body. The smell of burned and electrocuted feather permeated the air.

Ash, "Roost and life dew."

Falkner, "Roost, wait the wave out."

Ash's Togekiss focused on roosting and using the water type healing move to cool the burns while Falkner's Togekiss decided to gather strength while waiting. By the time they were done both Pokemon had healed as much as they could from the attacks they had received from the other. The two Togekiss regarded each other before taking to the Sky again.

Max, "I can see why Ash was adamant about us learning healing moves first."

Gou smirked, "It's a useful and neat trick, ain't it?"

Brock, "It helps decrease injuries too, if you are not near a Pokemon centre."

Casey, "It's not easy to learn though. It took my Meganium months to properly execute hers."

Max, "Really?"

Brock, "Chanseys are natural healers. It is said their type should be healing. But since they are the only ones with this ability, it doesn't count."

Gou, "People would say some grass types should be considered healers rather than grass types but unlike Chansey they need to train a long time."

Meanwhile both Togekiss were too stubborn to give up and kept battling with each other spamming roost and life dew. It would be a battle of luck rather than power, to see who got that one lucky shot that would being the other down for the count. Lucario observed Ash and noticed the crystal neck piece was shining a bit and used his aura to contact his Meema. It would be bad if he lost control after coming so far in healing.

[A. N.: Next week and the week after are two marriages. One for my cousin, the other my friend.

I may not be able to update for a while.

Marriage month. XDD]
