
 For my sister!


"Was that just a minute before, Liam?" Rena mutttred the questonk under he own breath.

"i am 100% sure that ws no one but Liam."

"I am going to come out! I am going to hit this shti open! Even if this is the last time I will be using my right leg. I will do this for my sister!" 

Rena and Ava and the girl started the door of the attic as it brust open. Liam was visible from the door's slit. The darkness in tthe attic as Liam switched off the lighs. 

"Liam!" both Rena and Ava shouted in xcitment when they saw Liam coming out of the attic. The figure of Liam coming out of the attic. Liam had his both of the hands in his pocket of the jogger.

"What? But how come?"

"that doesn't hurt at all! I am not going to let the pain coe and interrupt me as some type of ghost is hurtiung my sister!" Liam told the gilr.
