

"Hm," Ava took small but heavy steps to the house. She was not at all willing to leave until she conveniences Liam to do what she wanted but she had to walk.


"See ya," Ava waved at Liam, Liam just gave a wave at Ava who was standing on the stairs. Liam had his hands in these pockets.

Ava stood on the stairs of her house, the big house and the small Ava standing under it and waving Liam bye.

"School huh?" Liam started to walk away. Ava went inside her house. The dark and cold night. The breeze flowed through Liam's face.

"I will have to go to the school to feel humiliated again, well it is no like that is a new matter or something, it is just normal for me so nothing to freak or exaggerate about Liam!" Liam consoled himself.

Liam walked through the pavement, the wind blew once again which Liam's orange hair flow in the right direction. Liam kicked some stone that was on the pavement.
