


There was no way Jaden was going to escape this. He was sick and tired of Alexa's behaviour, and if reminding her of her importance in his life was what it took to change her ways, then so be it; he might as well take advantage of his weakness while he had it. If words were blades, then these ones were out to murder, and no amount of forethought could have stopped him from the harm that was coming. She found herself wishing she could step into the shoes of the book's protagonist. She's doing her best to avoid reading any of the letters, but she's forced to open at least one.


a snippet from Damien's make-believe world

You must be kidding, right? Jaden inquired, clearly distressed.

Do I appear to be? It's only natural that we're breaking up," Alexa said without an ounce of regret in her voice. Her icy demeanour and cruel words only made Jaden's situation worse.

He couldn't fathom her motivation; why bother, if it served no purpose? What made her make this decision suddenly? Jaden had a lot of questions, and the hurt he was feeling was starting to turn into fury. This was unfair treatment, considering he was generally a very nice person.

"Are you kidding me, Alexa? If you aren't, then this whole thing is pointless. Decisions like this don't just pop into your head in the morning. Is any of what we discussed for real? Was it all for nothing? If they did, you wouldn't be standing here with your eyes so cold and making such a claim; instead, you'd be reflecting on these recollections. That's it; I claim you as mine. Jaden remarked. His fists were clinched, his eyes were wide, and he was staring intensely at Alexa, but his voice was nearly a scream.

There was no way Jaden was going to escape this. He was sick and tired of Alexa's behaviour, and if reminding her of her importance in his life was what it took to change her ways, then so be it; he might as well take advantage of his weakness while he had it. If words were blades, then these ones were out to kill, and no amount of preparedness could have stopped him from the harm that was coming.

Alexa looked at him with bitter disdain in her eyes. She shook her head and looked him in the eye before leaning in and said. To think that I ever belonged to you makes me sick to my stomach. Alexa remarked with a sneer, "Have a good life, maybe you'll find someone who's ready to listen to your sob story," as she turned to go.

Jaden felt as though time had stopped and Alexa's words were looping in his head. Since we weren't originally close friends, I tried to be the good person and liked you too much, but you did this. Tears trickling down his cheeks, a grin forming on his face, Jaden continued, "Life sure is an interesting one, it could make you hold a demon in high esteem and feed pearls to swine."

As in, "And what do you me-" Jaden slammed Alexa through the door as she was still talking, ending her sentence prematurely.

Jaden remarked with a glare, "You know I was going to let you escape but I guess demons should be in hell." He then tightened his grip on her neck, intending to shatter her windpipe.

Alexa did her hardest to free herself from his grip, but she was losing consciousness and began to choke and cough. This was the first time Jaden had ever looked at her like this, and it was unlike anything she had ever seen. Because of what she had done, all the love in his heart for her had been transformed into pure hatred and wrath, and his eyes had gone cold and empty.

She stared into the eyes of the demon she had spawned as she lost consciousness. She had lost all willpower and all hope, so her battles were pointless and ultimately led her to the brink of death. She collapsed to the floor panting and gasping for oxygen, her vision a blank white, and her only sensation being a severe pain in her neck.

I can't believe what a bad boy Jaden has become. It's not like him to try to kill a girl of such beauty. After having her ear whispered into by one of the men standing behind her, the woman shook her head.

"My Jaden has a girlfriend? Oh no, he'll have to clear this up; I was under the impression that Alysia was his life partner. It seems sense that nobody notified me about this. You don't even look like her, yet my Jaden still adored you. You must be one extraordinary lady. Hello, what's your name? The woman replied as she looked at Alexa, who was panting heavily. She seemed much older than her years and exuded both seriousness and a sense of humour.

This is not typical behaviour for our lady, but please accept our apologies. Go pick her up and cure her wounds, guys.That wound on her neck is really severe. Her neck, I think, was slashed by the young master's claws. He said, "Bowing," as he stood behind the woman.

My poor infant! I pounded on him too vigorously. Please forgive me, Jaden. As she hurried to help him sit up, the woman said. "I'm going to lay you down on the bed with your head on my lap." Before, when he was angry with her, she punched him and he went flying through the wall into his room. While doing so, he ripped a chunk of flesh off Alexa's neck with his claws.

Alexa slumped to the ground, confused by recent occurrences. Her neck no longer hurt, and instead she felt a soothing coolness. She stammered, "Th-thank you" She had just barely escaped death herself, and now one of the far scarier people there was clearly in love with Jaden.

A chill descended on the room, and she became aware of a mad, murderous desire directed against her. Something incredibly sharp touched her side, and if she had been a fraction of a second later, it would have pierced her. Her instincts suddenly told her to dodge, so she jumped to the left as swiftly as she could.

"Young lady, for the love of God, get out of here! You've really upset her, so get the hell out of there and don't look back. The man murmured as he blocked the knife that was headed for her heart. When Alexa heard the commands, she didn't waste any time and took off running." Now that Damien has thrown the book, she can read one of their letters. Is she going to be able to finally stop resisting it?
