
Chapter 96

"Welcome to the future son-in-law of the Lin family! It's great to see you two coming to have dinner with us". Greet Zhang with a friendly smile and very polite. 

After that Zhang took Lin Zhi's hand and took her inside.

Lu Xian followed them slowly.

"Hypocritical". Lin Zhi thought as she glanced at her Aunt sarcastically.

Not long after, they were all gathered in the dining room, Lin sneering as it was the first time she was considered family and allowed to sit with them for dinner.

"Honey... This is your favorite salmon, eat it!". Her Aunt said after placing the salmon on Lin Zhi's plate. 

"Lin Zhi, you should be grateful that your Aunt cares for you so much that she knows what your favorite food is". Said her uncle while glancing at Lu Xian who had been expressionless for a long time.
