
Chapter 246 - Can you send a letter for me?

After that embarrassing event happened, Ciaphia who was sitting next to Noah looked at him looking a little annoyed.

Noah had forgotten that she was there for a few moments.

"What's wrong?" he asked a little clumsily.

"You were looking at Rose that way and you expect me to act normally?"

"In what way? I didn't look at her that way."


Ciaphia turned her face away and no longer looked at Noah. Sara next to Noah noticed this and started to get a little nervous.

"Hey, I heard you guys are dating."


"I see. Then you should don't look at Rose. You don't know what a jealous woman is capable of."


After Sara's warning, Noah looked at Ciaphia again. Ciaphia turned to look at him but soon after turned her face away again.

'Did I make her angry?'

And after that little discussion, Rose appeared in the room again. This time she was wearing proper clothes.
