

TIME continued to flow and ebb. With this passage of time, it was already the day before the Silver Moon Awards.

Befitting of a major film award, there were a lot of speculations online about who would win this and that award. Most of the discussion centered on the major award categories, like the best actor, best actress, etc. But surprisingly, there was a small amount that was debating who would get the Rookie of the Year award.

[I think it will definitely be Ethan Kim. He has the most seniority among all the nominees.]

- [Does debuting a few years ahead a requirement for one to win Rookie of the Year? Like winning this late in a category with the word 'rookie' in it when they had been in the industry for that long is just ironic.]

- [Hey, upstairs, no debut year shaming! What does it matter if Ethan is only nominated now? This was his first movie, and that's all that mattered!]
