

ASTRID almost blurted out, 'how come that became my fault?'. Because really, how was that his responsibility? Despite trying not to show it, the other must have still noticed what he's thinking because of his follow up words.

"His highness wouldn't typically make such a significant decision without a good reason, and you, Mr. Townsend, have had the most significant impact on him in recent months. While your influence has brought about many positive changes in the prince, this particular decision does not seem to be one of them.

"Although you might want to hear about his highness' 'heroic exploits', I hope that it wouldn't be on the count of our army's safety. So, please, can you perhaps take back what you said to his highness?"

Upon hearing that, Astrid felt like something struck the back of his head. He suddenly remembered a message he had sent to Wulfric a week ago.
