

REAS drank the latte that big brother ordered for him.  He was surprised when he tasted that it was much sweeter than he expected.  His brother probably added on a note while he was ordering earlier.  Like to make his latte sweeter than normal or something.  Which was the complete opposite of what he said earlier about making his latte not to sweet.

He smiled a bit.  His brother still looked out for him.  This delicious latte totally offsets that comment made by you-know-who earlier.  Surprisingly enough, he no longer felt that irritated.  Anything sweet could really easily clean one's soul.

He secretly glanced at the slice of key lime pie Astrid was eating.  That certainly looked delicious.  With how good this latte tasted like, he was sure that the desserts would definitely be heavenly.  If not, then the other person sitting across from them wouldn't be wolfing down on his parfait.
