
Are all the low-leveled civilizations so unyielding now?

since you've come from afar, why don't you rest in the city of dawn? I can answer your questions. antonidas thought that he was a guest who had come from afar, but he still decided to invite the first order people into the city.

On one hand, since the other party had expressed goodwill, they had to show the same goodwill;

on the other hand, it was too dangerous to stay under the enemy's ship. if he invited the enemy to the city of dawn, he would be able to deal with anything that happened in the future calmly. at least, he would have the capital to challenge the enemy.

ning chengqi thought for a moment, and at the same time, he heard a message from his adjutant. Sir, Dawnlight city is surrounded by Grade-D magic circles. The strongest one is Grade-C magic circle. However, with Braveheart's assistance, it can not cause you any serious damage. The risk assessment is 40%.
