
Going into space, legendary transformation!

Link left the competition grounds on the first floor and went to the temporary base on the second basement.

Helen was directing the staff to install the engine onto the transport ship. When she saw link, she smiled brightly."Head of state, you're here. Everything is ready. grandpa and dr. ludovic are also fine and can set off at any time."

alright, we'll set off immediately after the engine is packed. Link couldn't wait any longer. After all, today was the big day of the mech city's launch. It was also the day of the transport ship's pressure test in space, and the day he was going to modify the nine-patterned Dragon and the mech city.

A legendary pet, a legendary medium material, and a legendary mech city. Link wasn't sure what he would get after the modification. The only thing he could be sure of was that once the modification was successful, it would become the most powerful and grandest creation of all, but the modification was not done.
