
A palm strike to the wasteland

The three leaders argued and finally found a balance point that all three sides agreed on.

"link" looked at the three copies of the document and sighed. once this agreement is signed, the freedom Federation will truly live up to its name.

once the border defense line is withdrawn, the trade of the freedom Federation will be activated to the maximum. The exchange activities among the people will increase day by day, and we can sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Xu tianzhao " had a satisfied smile on his face. Now everything was ready, and he only needed to sign.

"Solving the external disaster, a win-win situation for all three parties!" Augustus concluded.

"What a good" win-win situation for all three parties,"wonderful, wonderful!" link " was overjoyed. He couldn't help but clap for Augustine's words.

Augustine's " win-win situation for all three parties " referred to the win-win situation for all three parties.
