
Saving Bun-Bun

Do I need to describe the details? Marina cried, and pouted, and wailed, and begged and whined and complained.

"Oh GODS!" Blackheart said. "I'm tempted to kill and eat you, you whiny bitch!"

Wicked Woman spat. "Cannibalism. Not there yet."

"No, he's the right of it." Crueler said. "Four mouths barely fed to five, and NOW we need to make it six? Why?"

"No, you HAVE to." Marine insisted. "Once you meet him, you'll know! He's kind and funny and he doesn't eat much!"

I was under half health; if any of the adults threw a punch MY way, even a YELLOW critical could knock me out. Potentially kill me. I kept putting one foot in front of the other.

"Please!" she blubbered.

"Oh, zip it." Crueler said. "Unless you got the thief skills to go rescue your precious Bun-Bun."

Bun-Bun, as astute readers have guessed, is the name Marina inflicted upon her pet.
