

"So what you mean to say," I said, "is that I am grounded, much like a child might."

"If you care to think of it in those terms, I cannot stop you." Venkatar replied.

"But you are getting your own tent." Ziza said, "And free guards."

"Whose purpose..." I began, but yielded to Venkatar's raised hand.

"Our khan has decided to ransom you for the equivalent of sixty camels." he said. "No doubt he means to barter and dicker." He sighed. "Or he means for me to do it."

Amari snorted. "When was the last time he let you do that? Be glad he is sending messages by bird back and forth, and not going himself."

I rubbed my eyes. "Rakkal will never pay that much for me. Please consider... wait. The khan is in contact?"

"Yes." Venkatar said.

"By bird?" I asked.

"What is your alien mind thinking of now?" he asked.

"How do these birds find him?" I asked.
