

             Previously on Avenging Angels 

Madam Eugene wakes the girls up as early as five am and they are all annoyed with her. As Rose walks down the hall, she sees something shocking on the floor. 


"Madam Eugene!" I quickly rushed to her side and knelt beside her. 

"Madam!" I flipped her to lay on her back and tried to wake her up. 

How did she fall? There are no bumps on the floor that would make her tumble. 

I checked her pulse and strangely it was normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. 

Wait! If she fell, there's no way she would be unconscious because the distance isn't high and she has no injuries so why is she unconscious?

No time for that!

I quickly ran out of the house to call Travis. He rushed in and helped me carry Madam Eugene into her room.

"What happened to her?" Travis asked as I used the duvet to cover her up. 
