
Love or Hate?

The following morning Luo Xiao awoke together with the sun. It was summer, so the sun rose early in the morning and Luo Xiao was filled with energy and excitement as he left his bed and took a quick bath.

Although he had slept fine through the night, he felt empty in his heart when he woke up and didn’t feel the familiar warmth of Jiang Yao surrounding him. Though, he quickly shook his head. He shouldn’t feel too bad about Jiang Yao not being there, he had sent him here for his best interests.

Still, the feeling of being lonely made him sigh and he quickly ate some dumplings after his bath. After eating, he left the house and headed to the central square again where he looked for the mission house.

Not many students had risen yet, and as a result, not many were walking around the streets, and the mission house was almost completely empty, only two other people could be seen in the massive building.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
