
Tamed Entity - ROM

The ghost city the team popped up in, was very civilized, regardless of how ironic that may sound. Much like in a real, physical city, there was law and order here, regardless of how special and taylored the laws were. It was simply functional, and this functionality spread across the entire kingdom of Mors Florentes, rather than just the City of Fortuna itself!

Their names were certainly interesting too. They were in latin, Timothy could pick up on that fact, but despite him not understanding how latin was used so often on this planet, he was also uncomfortable once he remembered how undead, and paranormal those names sounded. He didn't know when he started getting used to the paranormal, but when he stopped and thought about it, taking into perspective regarding where he was right now, he got spooked. If he had a heart in this form, it would've been pounding rapidly for a while!
