
The end, but yet a new journey

"This is a weird day." Was the best answer of which the young boy could follow up with.

It sounded like the most neutral thing he could say. Because even though one bizarre situation after another came today, it would be unfair to complain now while so many rewards were given.

What he favoured at the moment was how his fins felt bigger and more forceful. The boy had upgraded strength before, and now when it was combined with a slightly bigger wingspan, it was a bit easier to swim regardless of the direction.

But now as always, without being asked to or giving out a hint before time, the system laid out a bundle of information on the boy.

[What you had pooped out just now, looks like that holy-coral you had consumed a few weeks ago, when you had found a holy-tar tribe for the first time]

[Although I can't imagine why it had been in your gut until now, it did limit your bodily growth. So it is somewhat understandable how you exploded in size right now]
