
Flesh Mana

Timothy turned around in a flash, and saw something that he would rather not see. He spotted this half-a-foot tall, rat-like creature, and didn't know what to think of this. Considering that the creature also had a belly button, he got even more confused, because this had to be a mammal, rather than a rat or anything like that.

“What in the name of Falakus, Firunal, and Farazal are you?!” He asked, and although he didn't worship those gods himself, he mentioned their name as a way to release his frustration. He was being dramatic.

“I'm a leech, well, I'm an Albino Scavenger Leech, but let's avoid the long names. Call me Thomas.” The creature answered, and he spoke the goblin tongue fluently somehow. “I'm supposed to be here, but what are you doing in a dragon’s stomach?”

“I'm looking for my friends, this orc bastard swallowed them whole! They were alive a few minutes ago, I could hear them, but now… I can't even find their bodies.” He explained.
