
The Prince who like Running away

The continent of Balarukh was the place that the heavens and hells envied. A place that not only saw prosperity but had witnessed an unimaginable amount of death. There lived many different species in harmony, or at least right now. It was not known to any when this world was formed and what happened after it did. The only history everyone knew and had any idea about was since the era of prosperity. Life flourished throughout the world. This world saw entire civilizations rise and fall.


In the mainland, a small delicate looking figure was running through the dense forest.

People chasing that person seemed to lack agility and were being left behind. His speed was impressive enough.

The darkness that was eloping the wild seemed to be in that person's favour. Those who were chasing him were on the verge of losing the visuals on him.



After a while they stopped under a giant tree to get hold of their breaths, "How fast does that guy have to be to run like that?" asked one soldier.

"Must be someone who's familiar with the terrain", one of them replied to which all nodded.


After looking around a while and not being able to find even a clue around, they left that place cursing the thief.

Once it was clear that the soldiers were no longer around, the boy stepped out of the bushes he was hiding in.


"Damn, that was a close call. Though I managed to get my hands on the relic. I wonder what it actually does?" saying this he took out the relic that seemed to glow in the darkness, giving a bit creepy vibe.

Under the darkness, he suddenly sped up through the trees after casually putting the relic away in his sack again.




Back in Arboria, King Evan was holding a party, in which he had invited many nobles and royalties.

After all, this was his eldest son's, Nicholas's birthday and he also wanted to introduce him to the royalty.


"Sire, I apologize as we were unable to find the prince", one of the guards reported to the King.

"Where did he go, isn't this his brother's birthday.

I thought he would've grown tired of his plays and yet.."

before he could continue he was interrupted by a voice, "Can't help it father, if that's what he wants, we should just let him be." Merida replied while concealing a piece of meat stuffed in her mouth.

"You both really over exaggerate things.

My King, we should know he's your son and our brother Merida, no harm will come to him.

With that being said, I believe he never liked such events in the first place, right?

He'll come, we should be on our way as well My Lord" Nicholas, who was attending guests a while back, tried to relieve his father.


"There he is",

"whoa, the crown prince surely has the charm".

There was quite a chatter in the hall. People seemed to be enjoying the crown prince's birthday.




With all the guests gathered inside the main hall, the castle was pretty much unoccupied and thus was left with fewer than usual guards. Everyone was guarding the main hall as all the important figures were there.

Using this opportunity a shadow sneaked inside the castle and rushed through the hallway until it reached one of the rooms.

Just as he entered the room he felt cold metal touching his neck, he soon realized the cold metal surely was a blade and gulped for a moment.

The person holding the dagger casually took his hood off, "Took you so long, were you lost?

Don't tell me you actually made it, The-o-dore?


before she could continue, he turned and twisted his body while jumping over her and landing behind her flimsy figure. That sudden twist in his motion made her twitch and lose the grip over the dagger which that buy elegantly caught and put again her delicate throat.

“You're losing your grip Vivian, sometimes it is better to stay on guard even around the people you know!" he seemed to grin a bit as he replied in low voice, almost whispering in her ears.

That close encounter surely was a bit unpleasant for her, his face was awkwardly close to her ear. She could feel his breath at that distance.

This made her blush with embarrassment.

She made a squeak as she grabbed him by his hands, and threw him off by lifting him in a way he almost lost his hands.


A huge bang and the shivering shadow could be seen on the ground, "W… Wh... What the hell you think you're doing so close Theo?".


that could have killed me, Vivian.

Be careful with your strength Vivi, you want me dead or what?

And yeah I did get my hands on it. Seems like your sources are a bit reliable."

He said while standing up, shaking the dust off his clothes, and taking out the relic he had discovered.

"That's rude,

I helped you and you give such a rude compliment as thanks.


Next time you come to me whining about Intel, I'm not going to tell even a single word. And why did you go right away?

Didn't I clearly tell you about the security is tight right now? Goodness, and moreover you kept me waiting on your brother's birthday too."




That sounded like news to him,




Is it today? Of all days!

God! Dad's going to kill me. Did it start already?"

He hurriedly started to look for suitable clothing set in one of the closets while asking.


they surely would have finished up with the cake as well.

And you idiot, because of you even I am missing from the event."

With a slight blush, Vivi replied.

"Which one's better?

This one's a bit flashy right?"

Theo asked to which he received a sharp glare from Vivi.

"I think I'll put this one on." He hurriedly changed his clothes and came out of the closet only to find Vivian standing with a red face.

He hadn’t realised that he changed before her, that much cosy he was around her!

‘Gosh, how can he even change in front of a girl! Idiot’


Without looking at her flustered expression he grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him, in his hand, he held a gift that he had prepared long ago.
