
Chapter 27: A Match in The Rain

¬Third Person P.O.V¬

Ashley felt herself falling, she's been falling for hours and gradually increasing in speed as time passed. Her warm brown eyes looked around her but all she saw now were the broken fragments of reality that had been sucked into the vortex with her, they looked like pieces of stained glass artwork that had been shattered and fragmented floating around her calmly despite how fast she was falling.

Suddenly, she stopped. She stopped falling, but if she stopped that fast surely her body would have been broken, yet she felt as though her body should have been broken hours ago. She was in a place between realities a place where nothing should exist, yet... certain things still did. She heard what at first she thought was a voice, a voice that felt.. wrong. A voice that shouldn't exist, yet still did. slowly she began to realize that what she heard was not merely a voice, what she heard was, laughter. Dark laughter.
