

Who knows how long those two were at it, if either of them could get pregnant they would have conceived at least septuplets by now. Their fierce physiques were specially designed for this so please don't try this at home. As they lay down playfully tussling around the bed, Wu Yange suddenly remembered what he had come to tell him before he got destructed by Wu Fan and Ying Tie's presence.

Wu Wuqing's words had been bothering him for a while now and felt the need to discuss it with his love otherwise it would continue eating at him with no solution. "Baobei, I want to ask you something," he said suddenly serious while tightly embracing Rong Zian.

Rong Zian had seen this discussion coming a mile away, he knew something was bothering Wu Yange ever since they left Qinshu province and had been waiting for him to open up to him. He just hoped it wasn't anything serious as he hoped to keep these blissful moments for an extended period of time. "What's up?"
