
Sanguine venom (6)

"The lesser wyrm is coming at us! Quick, defend against it!"

Before I can reach them a wave of darkness rolls over me and I switch to my thermal vision. The humans have formed a sloppy defensive formation that I hardly see as a challenge now that they can't see me.

"F*** the lesser darkness lindworm used its field of darkness. Get your thermal goggles on!"

"Isn't this good news? The lesser wyrm will also be blinded."

Well, I've got news for you, buddy. Unlike you humans who need to use goggles to get thermal vision, I have them inbuilt already!

They all let their guard down while grabbing something from their backpacks so I rush right in.

My tail whips out with full force and sends one of the defenders tumbling to the side. I hurry through the opening in their defense and sink my fangs into the old mage who is still panicking due to the constant bleeding.

While I am happily pumping my venom into him a shield smashes into my face and sends me flying.

"It has thermal vision, use the flash crystal!"

The moment I hear that I hurriedly close my eyes as a stinging glare of light obliterates the darkness around us.

So they came prepared to deal with the lesser darkness lindworm too. Flash crystals are effective both for blinding monsters as well as dispelling darkness elemental skills like the field of darkness here. The only downside is that they cost a small fortune. Probably why they first tried using thermal vision goggles.

But fighting a close-ranged monster with the natural skill using those goggles puts you at a large disadvantage so they chose to bite the bullet and use the crystal.

The flash is blindingly bright and if you are caught unaware it will certainly take the sight of any ordinary creature for a good minute. If it is a creature that has very light-sensitive eyes meant to see in dim places the effect might last quite a while longer.

Since I can understand the humanoid language however I had my eyes closed and the flash hasn't had any effect on me whatsoever.

And they have way bigger problems than just me. The old man I bit is experiencing some pretty horrible symptoms as my venom has been directly injected into him.

From the deep bite mark I left on his torso, blood is gushing out like a fountain. But that isn't just blood. His flesh slowly turns reddish and becomes a red liquid that splats on the ground and it's spreading quickly. He's like a candle being melted by heat... if candles were made out of blood, that is.

"Oi, what's happening to the old man! Do something! You're a healer, aren't you?"

"Dealing with deadly venom that acts near-instantly wasn't part of the job description! The lesser part has disappeared and he's suffering from sanguinification at full force. There's nothing I can do without a proper remedy or specific anti-venom to give him! My arts are completely unable to deal with this kind of a problem."

"So it's the lesser wyrm that's causing all this? If we kill it the bleeding should stop! Quick, while it's still blinded by the flash."

They charge at me without getting into any kind of formation and focusing only on speed. Seems they want to kill me before anything else. Come at me then!

I activate my sanguine boost and roar. The two closest humans are lightly armored attackers. My roar stuns them for a second and I launch forward sinking my fangs right into one of them. Another one is sent flying by my tail lashing out. The thirty percent boost from sanguine makes my tail whip strong enough to break the poor guy's bones.

While the others are still shocked by my sudden action and the frightening sound of bones being broken I release the victim my fangs are currently sunk in and go for another one of them.

Because they were rushing the classes with high defense are in the back due to their heavy armor slowing them down. All the humans close to me aren't focused on defense so they aren't able to put up much of a defense while in shock.

They only start to really fight back after I've sent another two of them flying with my tail whip and am about to sink my fangs into another one of them.

The swordsman in question barely has time to stab at me in a desperate attempt to save himself. The blade stabs into my side but I ignore it and bit down hard. One of the shield-bearers steps forward and tries to deliver another shield bash to the side of my head but I force him back with a whip from my tail. I won't be slammed aside twice.

I release my fangs from the swordsman and he slumps to the ground while also beginning to liquidy into a bloody mess. Now only the defensive classes and the healer are left alive. I count two shield-bearers and one guardian, the advanced class of a shield-bearer.

I'm afraid that even with my sanguine boost and the venomous mist breath in the air I won't be able to make quick work of these guys. With their high constitution this will probably turn into a long and drawn-out battle.

Or so I was thinking. With enraged roars both the lesser darkness lindworm and the salamander join the fight. The lesser darkness lindworm must be pissed at being blinded and having her field of darkness torn apart. The salamander is having trouble walking with his twisted leg but his fire breath is still going at full force. Those defensive classes wearing heavy armor might be in trouble now. Heat and sitting in a metal container don't exactly mix well.

I circle around the defenders and try to go for the healer. The guardian realizes what I'm doing and steps between us immediately. Seems he isn't keen on losing his one source of healing.
