
Chapter 165: Children in the Dark

A pitch black space surrounded the environment, but for some peculiar reason, an image of a silver-haired boy sitting in a corner while hiding within his knees was perfectly visible, only that there was no "true corner".

It would be safe to say that anyone who somehow ended in this place would find themselves flabbergasted at the circumstances. 

However, Minerva slowly approached the child without any hint of confusion in her expression. Instead, she simply went ahead with a smile on her face.

"What are you doing alone in a place like this, dear child?" asked the deceivingly young-looking witch.

The boy tilted his head slightly upward to face his mysterious visitor, revealing his eyes that were threatening to let a few tears drop. 

"I was locked up here long ago," answered the lonesome child before swiftly hiding his face back into his knees. "What are you doing here? Who are you? Don't look at me. I'm despicable."
