
Chapter Five.


Around six thirty, Natalie sauntered into the downstairs kitchen. She was dressed in her school uniform; A white collared shirt with a blood red tie, and a short black skirt. She yawned as she walked to the coffee maker and poured herself a mug. The steam kissed her face and the aroma of the coffee beans made her smile.

"You're up early?" Yashina stated as she walked into the kitchen, pulling out her ear buds. Her hair was up in a ponytail, and she wore a nice jogging outfit. "You missed the run, Juuno and Phil missed you" she said while sitting at the table. "Are you gonna tell me what happened last night, or no?"

"There's nothing to tell" Natalie said as she added in milk and sugar to her coffee. "Nothing happened." She turned and gave Yashina a bright smile. "I'm gonna be late to my test if I stay and chat, I'm sorry. I'll see you later."

Yashina watched as her friend left the kitchen and headed to the front door. After a moment, she followed. "Then why are you so sluggish today?"

Shit.. Natalie thought. She sighed heavily after pulling her shoes on. "I.. I didn't sleep well, stop asking so many questions, please. I'm exhausted" she stated before handing the coffee mug to her. "Enjoy your day! Love ya!" With that said, she ran out the door.

Yashina stood in the doorway, watching her. She soon sipped from the mug and made a face. "Yulck.. Too much sugar" she mumbled before shutting the door and heading to the kitchen to toss the coffee in the sink.


Natalie made it to school just in time to meet up with her other friends, Cairo and Hatomi, fraternal twins. Cairo was female but dressed much like a boy, and Hatomi was just a normal boy. They were arguing over the game they went to see over the weekend. Natalie didn't pay much attention to their arguments, they were usually pointless anyways.

"I'm telling you Cai! If Yuui had taken the shot like she SHOULD have.. Then we would have won the game!" Hatomi whined. "Whatever you say Hati.. I'm not listening to the blasphemy coming from your mouth, besides, I'm starved. Want anything from the cafeteria Nat?" Cairo asked. Natalie looked to the blonde girl and shook her head.

"Suit yourself" Cairo said before walking off. "Hey!! Wait for me!" Hatomi called after her as he rushed to catch up. The two were glued to the hip. Both of them had messy blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. They were known as the insanity twins throughout the college they all went to. Everyone but Natalie would steer clear of them.

Natalie adjusted the strap to her backpack as she walked toward the front gate.

The sound of a car pulling up had a bunch of girls screaming at the top of their lungs, which made Natalie cringe. What was their issue anyway!? She turned to see the white limousine and her eyes widened. No... Not here..

"Oh my God!! It's Fuuto Asahina!!" a brunette girl screamed and fanned herself. "What's he doing at our school?!" another girl asked as many others just screamed.

Fuuto smirked as he stepped from the limo and waved to the screaming girls. He gave them winks and blew kisses as he passed them up, moving his attention to Natalie.

Natalie watched as Fuuto approached her. Great! What did he want now?! And at her school no less?! She couldn't help but to feel the other girl's eyes like daggers aimed at her. The pop star smirked as he took Natalie's hand in his own and gazed into her eyes. "I've been looking everywhere for you.. I'm glad I found you. I just can't live without you, I know we just met, but I feel like I've known you forever" he purred before slipping down on one knee.

"I can't picture my life without you any longer, you are my everything.. So please.." He lifted the rose to her and gave her a charming grin. "Be mine? Marry me and we will have everything. I promise you this.."

Natalie stood there. She just couldn't believe this! Seriously?! What the hell?! She didn't know what to say, especially with all of his fans with their eyes burning holes in her body. What kind of game was he playing at now?!

Fuuto's charming grin faded to something unreadable, and he stood up. "That's a line for the movie I'm starring in soon. I get to play the lead, how did I do?" he asked while toying with a bit of her hair. She slapped his hand and grit her teeth. "Not funny" she hissed before pushing passed him, walking to class.
