

A strong desire to know something about me and Seviro, is visible in her eyes. She's curious, her interest is not something that you could ignore because surely she will bother me. Still holding my oil paint I look at her with my eyebrow furrowed.

"Do you think I know him? Someone like him?" I sarcastically replied feeling annoyed all of a sudden

I don't want to associate myself to anybody else. I really hate it when she keep on bugging the hell out of me. And I despised those person who keep on lingering around just because they find me interesting and challenging.

"Are you sure? So his making up story when he said that he gave it to you? His card?" She ask again

She's so persistent to dig something from me.

"Why keep on inquiring me about that guy?"

"I'm just kinda curious" she reason out

"Your asking a lot of question and it so tiresome to answer you" I plainly replied

I just continue what I'm doing. I'm creating a darker shade of blue and I can't focus because she's standing beside me following my every move. She's distracting me.

"But my instinct is telling me the opposite" she mumble with a giggle

Okay. I can't argue with that. I just nod my head not giving her even just a single glance because she might push that topic more. I'm aware how imaginative she is. I smile a little remembering spongebob square pants, that yellow sponge who's good in cooking craby patty.

"Actually, I'm stalking Alci on his twitter and IG account " she continue

I'm not shock nor suprised. She loves invading someone's privacy, of course she loves stalking around.

"He's really cute you know" she whisper

"Your disturbing. Are you sure your mentally stable?"

I heard her snorted and I grin.

"You're so grouchy Cami!" She squeal and I just shrugged my shoulder

"You're always like that. Anyway, do you know what's interesting post he ever posted on his wall?"

She's screaming but not so loud, just enoughed for me. She sound so excited so I didn't react. What's the use? Aside from the fact that I'm not interested, she will tell it to me with or without my consent.

"It's our lace! Our ID lace"

Wait... What?

My eyes narrowed processing what she just told me. I laughed a little realizing how pathetic it is. Seriously? Just because of that? I laughed again and shake my head as I continue making the shade.

"Hey! Why are you laughing"

"Coz your funny. I guess your just hungry, you need to eat Ella" I utted still laughing

That guy is just making an issue. Posting an ID lace? That so nonsense. I sometimes don't understand those people who keep on posting nonsense things on social media.

But then that's their freewill, as what they said we're living in a democratic country so they can do what they want. A typical mindset of those people who doesn't want to be corrected.

"I hate you Cam!"

She stomp her feet on the floor creating a noise so I look at her.

"What's your first Class? Aren't you late already?"

I walk towards my bag as I wait for her reply.

"I'm not late yet. I woke up early because I wanted to accompany you here"

Disbelief, that's what written on my face. She's really a stalker. I just busy myself and continue what I'm doing while listening to her story until she decided to leave.

Lunch time came and we wait for Sabrina and Andrius but they both didn't show up, in the end Ella was so disappointed and vent out on me. Until afternoon there's no sign of Sabrina and that's really odd. I thought we were going to lunch together? I had a bad feeling about it.

"Did you call her?"

Walking in the hallway I ask her that. I felt her stare maybe wondering what's with my mind and I suddenly get interested with Sabby. But I can't help it okay, we ask her blockmates if she attend her last subject but she didn't.

"I'm talking about Sabrina" I added when I didn't hear any response from her

Sighing she show me her phone.

"She's not answering my calls" with pouted lips she whisper

"Should I call her?" I volunteer and she instantly agree

So we decided to stop on the shed near the school gate and I get my phone inside my bag. I immediately scroll my contacts to find Sabrina's name on the list and press the call button as I saw it on my screen.

She's making us all worry.

"It's ringing" I mumble as I heard the sound on other line hoping that she would answer it

Nervous, that's what Ella's face look like. We waited for a couple of seconds but it turn out into 'cannot be reach'. Trying our luck, I dial her number again repeatedly but still it's just keep on ringing. My gaze turn to Ella and I shrugged my shoulder. Disappointment, that's all I could see in her eyes as she bit her lower lip.

"Maybe I should just drop by their house and ask Tita where she is" she decided

"That's a good idea"

I know she's really worried, we didn't know Sabrina's whereabouts since these past few days. although they were both in the same department, Ella said she didn't notice Sabby.

"My driver is already here, don't you want to hop in ? We'll sent you home" she offered and I just simply shake my head

She didn't insist no more and that's good because I don't have a plan to say yes .

"Bye Cami, see you tomorrow "

"Inform me about Sabrina" I told her

She's waving her hand while inside the car and I just plainly look at her. Although it's not my problem I still wanted to know what happen to her. There's a lot of question in my head beacuse of her.

I put my right hand on the pocket of my jeans as I look at my wrist watch. Time go home, but I haven't take a single step yet when someone spoke behind me making me to turn around.

"Finally, you're alone"
