

I did not even know when my head hit the ground.

Everything was pitch black and I knew I was awake.

"Cassandra, welcome back," I heard a man's voice.

I could not see anything in the darkness.

"Who is Cassandra?" I asked.

"You," the man said.

"I am not Cassandra," I said.

"You will always be Cassandra to me," he replied.

I felt a gush of cold wind brushing my right cheek.

"No matter how you reincarnate or what name you are given, you are my Cassandra," I shivered as I felt a chill down my spine as the voice seemed just a breath away from my right ear.

"Do I know you? How do I call you?" I asked.

"Call me Darling," he let out a small chuckle.

"Were we together in a previous incarnation?" I pressed for answers.

"We were together for many incarnations. More than once, dear Cassandra," I felt his presence just beside me.

Suddenly blinding light shone and I had to close my eyes to block the bright shine.

Then I felt his lips on mine. Soft and gentle, tender and loving, sensual and slow.

I kissed him back. Logically that felt insane, I did not even know who this man was. It was not like me to go around kissing strangers.

As he deepened the kiss, I moaned as I felt his hand in my hair and another hand on my waist. It felt so right.

"You are mine, Cassandra. You will always be mine," he said as he broke the kiss.


"Theeya, Theeya! Wake up Theeya!" I heard at least two voices calling me.

My eyelids felt so heavy. I tried my very best and put in all my strength just to will my eyes open.

I saw Magdalena's concerned eyes. Beside her stood Jeff.

I blushed at my last memory of him proposing to me and his confession that he cared for me.

Was that real or a figment of my imagination?

"How are you feeling, Theeya?" asked Magdalena.

"I am disorientated. What happened right before I fainted?" I needed to know if Jeff really said all that he said.

"I proposed to you and apparently you fainted due to extreme happiness," Jeff grinned as he looked at my horrified face.

"You actually proposed to me? Did I say yes?" I just had to make sure.

"Not yet. Theeya James, will you marry me?" Jeff got down on one knee and held my left hand as I continued laying on the couch.

He took out an ancient looking ring with a ruby on it and an insignia.

"This belonged to my family for generations. Apparently one of my ancestors used to be a Knight and also a Lord some sort of nobility with a family crest that is on this ring. My mother wore it before," he looked at me awaiting for my answer.

"So I am going to wear the ring of many dead women..." I said in almost a Whisper.

"Well if you don't fancy this we can always buy one for you, you can choose which design you fancy," Jeff sounded desperate.

"Why the hurry in getting married?" All these are really getting so suspicious.

"There is a deadline for us to get married." Jeff looked solemn.

"What deadline? I never heard about it before!" I protested.

"Don't you like me? Don't pretend I never noticed you stealing glances at me, Theeya," he said.

I blushed. Damn, he noticed all along!!!

"Can we not talk about getting married so fast? I barely know you and you were my father's friend," I put forward a logical point.

"We can be engaged first, but like Magdalena said it will be easier to travel around if you are not a single lady," he stated.

"So this will be a marriage of convenience. What happens after the expedition is over? Will we get a divorce?" I just had to ask.

"If we care for each other why not stay married?" He winked.

"It is not something I can decide overnight. Can you give me some time to consider this?" I pleaded.

"We must get married before we leave this city in 4 days. We can announce our engagement over dinner tonight. Then get married within 3 days. The hotel is the perfect venue. The twins said they will sponsor the banquet. Your sisters are ready to fly out in 3 days in time for our wedding. Rachel your best friend is too heavily pregnant so unfortunately she can't fly out. It is all planned out Theeya, you just need to say yes." Jeff said in a final tone.

"I feel faint again and I feel like I wanna vomit," I gagged at the air.

Then I blacked out again.

"Miss Theeya! Miss Theeya! Are you okay?" I hear a little girl's voice calling me.

I was at the lounge back at the Malabar. I was back at the hotel, laying down on the couch at the lounge with little Erna's earnest eyes looking at me.

Dawood was there. Jeff was there. Magdalena was there.

"Wait... am I still dreaming? I cannot differentiate when am I dreaming or when am I awake anymore. Please tell me I was dreaming all along. Did I get to Magdalena's place alone earlier today?" I asked.

"Yes you did come to my place alone. But then Jeff came and you got proposed to. Now you are technically engaged," Magdalena pointed at the ancient ring with Jeff's family crest insignia on my hand.

"I don't remember saying yes. Does it mean the next time I black out I would be pregnant already?" I must have looked bewildered.

"Let's try for a baby after our expedition okay, Theeya?" Jeff gently touched my forehead, brushing some stray hairs away from my face.

Something felt very wrong. Totally wrong. It felt like a set up.

"I don't want to get married. This is going out of hand. I like you Jeff, but not enough to marry you in 3 days! Thank you I am flattered but I can't marry you," I took out the ring and placed it back into his palm.

Then I got up and the sudden movement of standing up made me black out again.

This time I stayed in the darkness. He was near. I felt him hugging me from the back. His hug warm and reassuring. I felt protected in his presence.

"What is your name?" I just need to know.

"Your lover," he jested.

"No, really. I need to know your name," I insisted.

"If you must know, my dear Cassandra, I am your Apollo," his voice boomed as a gust of wind twirled me around and the lights came on again.
