
Her Plus One

'How am I supposed to comfort her like this? I've never done this before!' James said, his eyes doing the talking as he nervously looked at his girlfriend's best friend for help.

Lily shrugged. Not saying a word as she chose to speak with the silent language of speaking with one's eyes.

'Well, do something! You're her boyfriend after all. Only you can help her while she's in this state. I've never even seen her like this before! You're not the only one who's new to this.'

'And what exactly am I supposed to do?'

'Just kiss her or hug her or something,' Lily suggested.

James, getting desperate, wrapped his arm around his girlfriend, who hadn't noticed their silent conversation.

Emma buried her face in James' neck, trying to stop herself from breaking down in tears.

He stroked her back, startled by her sudden doing, but also trying to calm her down.

"Baby, I'll be fine," he reassured, "It's just an award."

Emma looked up, eyes shining with tears.

"You always talked about how this was important, and I took it away from you," she said as she pouted.

"Why let an award get in the middle of our relationship. Emma, I value you over any medal or anything else in this world. Let's just move on from this, okay?" He said, unable to bear the girl he very much loved hurting herself over something that wasn't her fault.

Emma wiped the tears from her eyes, wondering how he had turned the tables when it was him that actually needed comforting.

'How was it that I was the one that needed comforting? I'm such a selfish girlfriend,' she realized, looking down in shame, staying silent.

Once an idea came to her head, she looked back up, her eyes filled with determination.

"Yes, we should," she said, agreeing with her boyfriend.

James stared at her weirdly, suspicious of how that was all it took to get her to calm down.

"There's something you didn't tell me about, isn't there," he asked.

Emma nodded quite enthusiastically.

"I think I've told you about the ball King William and Queen Isabelle are throwing in my honour that takes place tomorrow. I don't need to ask you to be my plus one since you automatically are, but is there a possibility that after the ball, we could tour the Zenovia palace," she suggested, determined to make it up to her boyfriend.

As a reply, James did what Lily told him to do.

He kissed Emma on the lips, surprising her.

As they pulled away, he smirked.

"And miss a chance to hang out with my amazing girlfriend? Never. Of course, we can. After all, I'm staying over at the Zenovia palace with MY girlfriend," he said.

Emma gasped.

"You are?" She asked excitedly, getting up from her seat as the last ZALE assembly session had finally ended.

"It was supposed to be a surprise, but now the cat's out of the bag," he admitted, helping Emma get up.

Emma embraced her boyfriend.

"You're the best!" She exclaimed.

He grinned.

"Of course I am," he replied confidently.

Lily tapped Emma's shoulder, wanting to get her attention.

"Em, I think the limo's about to come soon, we've got to go," she reminded her.

Emma frowned.

"Right, I completely forgot about that," she admitted.

She whipped around, her face filled with emotions as she had to say goodbye to her boyfriend before she could see her tomorrow.

"I guess this is goodbye," Emma said sadly.

James smiled.

"I'll be seeing you tomorrow, won't I?" He said, reassuring his girlfriend like any good boyfriend would.

Emma nodded.

"You're right, you will," she reminded herself.

"But I'm going to miss you," she admitted.

James embraced his girlfriend.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. We'll see each other tomorrow. It'll only be for a day," he reassured.

Emma pouted before she waved to James and swiftly left with Lily.

Connor walked up from behind James, placing his hand on James' shoulder.

"And how exactly are you planning on telling mother and father that you didn't win valedictorian and lost to your girlfriend?" Connor asked.

James took a deep breath.

"I have no idea."

Connor tilted his head as if trying to remember something. He looked at his brother curiously.

"You'll figure that out, I know you will, but isn't tomorrow your two month anniversary with Emma?" He asked.

"What are you planning to do? You already have something in mind now, don't you?"

James looked down.

"For once, I actually don't."

"It was supposed to be a surprise that I was staying over, but I guess I used it up."

"You don't have to do something for her, you do know that it's not necessary, don't you brother?" Connor said as-a-matter-of-factly.

James shook his head.

"I have to. After all she's done for me. She's my source of happiness: I could absolutely never imagine a life without her. Look how miserable I was before I met her. She changed me to the best version of myself. All the stars in the sky couldn't be enough for her. She deserves everything." James said quite cheesily.

"My brother has changed. I never knew he could say things like that," Connor said as he jokingly placed a hand on his mouth, pretending to be shocked.

James scoffed.

"Don't pretend to be shocked. You know how I am when I'm around her," he remarked.

Connor knew James had a point. He was a completely different person around Emma. In front of others, he could be cold, ruthless, and devoid of any emotion, really. But around her, it was like he had turned into the cutest, most handsome and cuddly teddy bear.

If you were one of the unfortunate victims to James' wrath, Emma would be the only person who'd be able to save you from him. She was the only person he truly cared about.

This was a result of the love he held for her. He loved her, and it was clear to everyone he did. It didn't take too long for James to confess he did love Emma, and that itself was a whole thing.

Emma trusted him with all her heart and loved him, but she knew that the smallest part of her would always belong to the one that had won her heart before he had.

And he was Prince Michael of Zenovia. The person Emma told herself she didn't have feelings for anymore. But she had to learn that sometimes, the heart lies to itself about its true feelings.

Stay tuned for more chapters today, *winks*.

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