
Chapter 20: Return

~Jae POV~



After a month and taking the ride using the Bullhead back to the academy I was met with a sense of euphoria seeing the beauty of the school compared to the harsh sands of Vacuo and the crappy stone throne room of the crown.

Glancing around the area as I was finally met up with at the entrance of Beacon Academy as he smelled the fresh air in the morning feeling the improvements of my <Sun Empowerment> as I breaths out the fresh air, "Whew… man it feels nice to be back at campus again after the fight. I wonder if Cardin and his goons are still recovering from that smackdown. Hehe. It would be pretty funny to see them try me again."

Man seeing their faces right now would be pretty good to see.

Going around the campus I know the school day is off as I have a few weeks left before the semester break happens. Walking around the campus I can feel the first years watching me as they looked surprised.

Raising my eyebrow at them I can take a good guess of what they think using my aura but I shake my head at the idea.

"Hey! Your Jae Green right!"

Hearing a surprised voice from afar I saw the bunny Faunus I helped back a month back as she grins to see me.

Velvet Scarlatina was the girl that talked to me as I grin happily waved at her as I respond waving at her, "Yo! Hey there Velvet Scarlet, how's it been after the fight with the sir dumbass bully shitstain!"

A Flash of surprise was expressed on her face as she gets closer to me but couldn't help but ask the question to be surprised, "Wait a minute…? How do you know my name I never once mentioned it to you?"

Grinning at the obvious question I responded normally to her as I began to speak to her in a usual calm manner, "How would I not? I mean you are my senior in my case as you are a grade older than me after all. How would I not know about my upperclassman I was hoping to ask a few questions being one if you don't mind."

Blushing at my compliment I had a fun time with her as I asked how she was getting closer I talked to her casually, "So then Velvet how's life been treating you. Have you been sticking close to Pyrrha my team leader as well as team RWBY?"

Velvet nods at this as she motions for me to follow the bunny walking along as she spoke to me in a lighthearted manner about her experience, "Haha… yeah your leader is a very caring person. When they understood why you defended me the way you did and piss off the whole student body they flipped out. And when Cardin had the gall to bully me again in the open with other people around…."

That was when Velvet made her finger move towards her neck motion expressing with her tongue out acting dead as she explained it to me dryly in her voice, "Let's just say the people that like your ideal took offense to that and made a front against Cardin of never doing that again. Then there was miss Goodwitch teaching him another lesson if he doesn't stop, he gets expelled."

Oh man, that idiot just can't get a break.

That was when Velvet commented what happened in my absence seemed to have little effect on some people but still made a difference as she speaks to me honestly, "That made him stop for good with those threats since then he hasn't bothered anyone since. You could even say you made some people take notice of this."

So, the masses finally took notice huh?

Talk about time dumbasses.

Expressing a smirk, I couldn't hide from Velvet as she begins to show me around again she mentions to me where my friends are as she leads the way, "Anyway I bet it must be a while since you came back. Come on most of your teammates are at the dorms. I bet you can't wait to meet them again I better get going soon. I'll introduce you to my team later if you don't mind?"

Smiling genuinely as I respond to her in a nice tone of voice while I talk to her, "Sure thing cutie. It's good to have you guide me around since I kind of forgot after my month's absence. But I hope to meet your friends as well so then thanks Velvet for helping me find my way take care and hope to see ya soon. Bye!"

Leaving her blushing a storm as I began to get ready to meet my friends.

I simply ignored the rest of the masses as I quickly made my way to the dorms of the first year I knocked inside of JNPR room and the person to respond to me is Ren looking surprised, "Hello R- Jae! Well sorry for not meeting you sooner. Welcome back, friend."

He hands me his hand and I began to take it by shaking it as I carry the belongings I replied to Ren with a smirk on my face, "Yeah man glad to be back. I had plenty of time to reflect on my actions so how's the gang been in my absence."

Ren motions to me to get inside I then see the surprised expression of Nora and Pyrrha as our fearless leader began to explain first, "Oh! Hello Jae I see –"



That was when Nora rushed at me hugging me as I actively used my aura to defend myself and not die of a killer hug attack she responds to me happily, "WELCOME BACK FRIEND!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH CHANGED!!!"

At that moment it was Ren to reply to Nora about what happened as he began to speak to me in a monotone voice, "Hmm… not much. Just made some people think."


Sounding the reply from Ren that was when I made or acted a frown expression as I began to talk to them about what happened at the docks, "Yeah but I kept up from the text with team RWBY from Ruby. I also read that she talked about what happened with you guys but didn't explain much not to seem rude."

At this Pyrrha sighs at this as she began to explain to me what happened during my absence of the time in a sad voice, "Sigh… as a friend to friend I guess I have to explain to you what happened when Ruby explained what happened to her and Blake. At first, there was a fight between them with Blake running away…"

That was when Pyrrha gave me all the details of the events that happened when Blake and Ruby returned.

Pyrrha explains everything as best as she could about what happened to them after the fight with the docks.

Blake recalls that after the events of The Stray of her being potentially sold off as a literal sex slave from Neo and the brief call of relief of Ruby her team leader saving her at the most possible moment was a relief in her eyes.

She had to face the trauma of it as well as develop some fear of Happy Man and Neo almost getting caught.

However, though the actions were left an impression on Ruby as she managed to save Blake she didn't know what happened to Penny as a result. When the news arrived, that stolen goods were gone along with no mention of Penny she grew extremely worried about what happened to her.

Then the scene with the remaining members of team SSSN didn't take the news quite well when they learned what happened to their leader. Ouch, I say.

The news of Sun Wukong's early passing certainly left an impression on the rest of the members of Team SSSN as they mourn their friend's death. Since they were students of Haven Academy, they always have a bond of sorts with the students living there.

With the rampant corruption and political dealings as well as backstabbing the students rely on themselves as well have a true form of comradery to ensure safety. But also, one iron-clad rule of them as well.

You mess with one Haven Student you mess with all of Haven Academy.

Since the blame lies in Blake's fault for having their leader killed the members of Team SSSN understood Blake wasn't the cause of their friend's death. But they also want nothing to do with her as well in the process.

They just couldn't stomach the idea because in some parts of their minds Blake was the reason Sun their friend died, and the murderer Happy Man was at large. Some even kept their thoughts about it should've been you instead of him but they kept it inside their heads.

Despite not liking Blake they couldn't disrespect their leader's final way to help her out at the very least though they didn't outright attack her but tolerated her instead. Neptune was hit the hardest as he wanted nothing to do with Blake but held it in as he spent his time searching for his friend killer the Happy Man.

Something I wish to hope to fight against him soon.

I need to test my skills after all maybe I should hunt down the remaining members of team SSSN as I do remember Neptune does have a good semblance. I think it's called <Water Attraction>.

<Water Attraction> is the Semblance of Neptune Vasilias, it allows him to control water that he comes in contact with.

<Water Attraction> allows Neptune to control water via hydrokinesis if he comes into physical contact with it. The water can then either be pulled toward himself or repelled away rapidly, allowing him to propel himself at great speeds or manipulate the water over a short distance.

Neptune also possesses the ability to manipulate the cohesion of water, allowing him to stick it against people and objects, but to do this, he must draw the water towards himself first and charge the molecules.


This fucker is a fucking water bender of all things the ability to manipulate water by thoughts alone. Fuck his too dangerous to be left alive as that power is blood-bending so long as he touches you first.

And everyone has a majority of blood meaning water… wait no he only needs to think of it to not be able to harm you all he needs to do is stop your blood by thought. Damn this fucker is OP if he wasn't such a baby bitch.

Remembering that he almost accidentally killed himself using his semblance he developed aquaphobia and detests using his Semblance, avoiding water outright to prevent his power from going out of control. As a young child, he was unable to be bathed due to his Semblance displacing the water away from him.


Thoughts for another time first though I began to get my attention in order as I began to feel sad for them because I'm literally near a man that can read people emotions, "I see… Blake must be having it rough to experience all of that. Damn it!"

Catching them by surprise I began to berate myself for not helping them. I still need to put up my charade with them for a while longer as I spoke in a conflicted tone, "If I had known this happened, I would've done something to help. I was out all the time during my suspensions if I knew…"


That was when Pyrrha stopped me as she glares at me for what I'm doing she scolds me for what I was thinking, "Jae I would please reframe from thinking like that. I know it hurts to not help your friends, but the fact is someone DID die from this and if you did go… how would it make your teammates feel to know you die after changing our goals."

Touché red head. Touché

Trying to guilt trip me I'll give it to you.

Acting completely surprised it was Ren began to speak to me quite seriously about what happened in the cafeteria a month prior, "Yeah. You left quite the impression on the whole first year with your whole speech there. Could be a bit more nice calling us kids than dumbass though."


Laughing nervously about that one maybe Oz was right not to call them that. But that was when Pyrrha agrees with Ren about that as she grabs my hand as spoke to me with her eyes directed at me, "I agree to call us that foul was uncalled for… although not inaccurate. I mean out of everyone you acted despite getting the chance to be expelled you put your beliefs and ideals first about helping others… well…"

That was when she looks away at that so does Nora then followed by Ren as she continues to speak for herself and the others, "I can't help but my lack of actions wasn't fitting for a huntress… as a former champion your words did hurt us but… we can't exactly blame you once we asked the Headmaster sorry…"


Now it makes more sense of what happened after I left without much of a fight. I knew they would try something like this, but hearing does help me find out more about them.

Guess that means they also know I survived during my time alone during the past 4 years at the young age of 13. But I wonder just HOW much did Ozzy boy told them is the thing?

It could be little or a lot depending on that old fucker.

However, I pester on as I listen to them as I release a sigh as I genuinely feel for them as I clichély respond to them feeling downcasted but happy, "Sigh… I prefer to keep some things to myself. But I don't exactly blame you either once the Headmaster put down the law, I did break the rules that are a fact. But I'll do so again if that were to happen again even if it means getting expelled that's how far I will go towards reaching my goals."

That was the truth.

NONE of them knew just how much I would go towards escaping this hellhole of this world.

With that, they smiled at me for admiring my goals as I did a quick check on their minds using my <Aura Manipulation> to detect their thoughts through the air space…

'… I guess this is expected of my teammate. In that case, I swear to not leave you to face this alone anymore…'

'Yeah! He's not like super piss about us finding out his past whew… that's a load off my shoulders thank Ohm!'

'Sigh… I guess I have to look after a dangerous Nora but one with a good head on his shoulder.'


Looks like I made it in the clear for now. But this does put some concerns on how Ozpin reacts to trouble and with RWBY bound to get in trouble I need to readjust my plans then.

Because if this Ozpin is enough to punish me realistically then… I might do some drastic measures to ensure that plot goes along or maybe not depending on the outcome?


Ok, how about observing for now and improvising to see what happens. Luckily Semester Break is happening soon I just need to use that time to move towards my next goal…

Time to search for that quack Doctor Merlot sigh… time to ask Penny to do some survives of any remote islands. If not a quick trip to Mountain Glenn as I recall there should be some technology enough for me to begin my next step…

To artificially create biological silver eyes.


A/N: Thanks for reading this part hope you like the semester break portion of his time.
