
Chapter 34

Calmly walking towards the chair that was in front of the desk, I sit down and waited for Azazel to continue.

"Your mother, Michiru Yoshida as she liked to be called after she left the heaven for your father, a human was as you may already found out a seraph. The only strange thing about her was the fact that she was the first and only angel to resemble an Asian woman, but that could easily be put under the pretext of heaven becoming allies with the Shinto gods. You may wonder how do I know these things and to answer you, I was once an angel, son. Your mother's true name was Amaliel. She was just as naïve and innocent as her hot sister, Gabriel, but I know where to stop or I will enter into my perverse thought and I'm pretty sure that butler of yours will take my head, ain't that right ?"

While it seemed that Azazel was talking to no one, I knife flow out of my shadow and hit his desk leaving a message written with magic: "Don't play with my master's emotions or mind, fallen one or I will be the first one to kill you."

"As I was saying the devil that took her life is the famous nun hunter, Diodora Astaroth, one sick bastard that fools young nuns and then he uses them for his own pleasure, Father's knows how many girls have died by his slimy hands…"

"Astaroth as in Ajuka Astaroth Beelzebub?"

"Exactly, he's the relative of one of the four Satans and the current head of the Astaroth clan. I know that it may be hard to take your revenge on him, but give it time and I'm sure you will be able to make that bastard suffer for what he did."

"Says that the most pervert person after Odin…Anyways thank you for answering me those questions and for letting me know my mother true identity, though I don't believe you did this out of your goodwill so what do you want in return ?"

"As perceptive as your father… I want you to help me with a little internal problem. A little bird told me that he plans something dangerous that could put the Grigori in a bad place. Not that we aren't already seen as the bad guys, but you know, reasons."

"Just tell me the target and I'll take care of it for you, as it seems that your crows are worthless."

"Worthless, not really, but most of them aren't that strong to fight against that man, and the last time we heard something about him, was when he was trying to ally himself with the Youkais from China and that was a week ago, so it will be in our best interest to deal with him as fast as possible. "

"Give me his name and appearance and we have a deal."

"His name is Teliar, a four-winged fallen angel and this is his photo. I'm pretty confident that he still tries to speak with the Youkais, so would you like a faster way towards China?"

"Sure, why not?"

Teleporting using this type of magic wasn't the best experience I could live through, but it was manageable.

Looking around, I found myself in a hotel room and after taking a quick look around the room, I found a letter on the table.

"I'm sorry for not coming with you, but if Teliar would have sensed me anywhere close to him, he would have run away. While he's only a Mid-Class, he can still pose a threat to most of my normal subordinates so that's why I asked you to hunt him down."

I call that bullshit! Your foster son should have been more than enough to hunt down that Mid-Class, but you just wanted to find more about my power, suck to be you then, because I won't reveal anything too important or substantial about my current strength.

Leaving the hotel, I summoned one of my ghosts, as they were invisible to the naked eye and most of the people and supernatural beings won't use magic into their eyes to see my ghosts, to find out the location of my target.

After more than an hour, my ghost found out where the prey as they like to refer to my enemies was located.

Arriving at that location, I was surprised to see a Crow-like Youkai speaking with my target. While they were clearly whispering, thanks to my cheat-like body, I could easily hear them speaking.

"What do you want as compensation, Rigu?"

"What can you offer to us? We are not some thugs that everyone can command so start giving me a good offer before I beat you for wasting my time."

"A sacred gear and the right to feast upon my enemies, how is that sounding?"

"Are you even trying, Teliar? Feast upon your enemies? What do you take us for? You have two more chances before I beat you so choose your offer wisely…"

Teliar stood for a second or two, most likely thinking about what he could use to buy their help, but before he could say his words, I headshot him with a death bolt that by some stupid luck hit the hearth of the Crow-Youkai, killing both of them in one hit…Sorry, Crow-guy but you're a casualty that I can accept. With both of them dead, I use my ghosts to appear near them and stored their bodies in my inventory.

Afterward, I teleported back to Kuoh, leaving the panicked Youkais alone, poor guys, they won't be able to find their leader anytime soon.

The first thing that I did when I teleported back home, was to find Azazel and throw the body in his face.

Unfortunately, he was able to catch the body, which was pretty normal, seeing that he was the leader of the Grigori, I guess, but still, he could have at least took the hit to the face like a man.

"Happy now?"

"Thanks for your hard work. I hope it wasn't too hard for you to deal with him."

"It was quite hard fighting him and if not for him being too prideful and the pure fact that he thought I was just a weak human, I would have lost without a doubt."

"I see, maybe you aren't that strong yet, but it's a good start. IF you want I could train you or you could train with Vali. Both of you could use some friends, after all, who would like to be a lone wolf in this world? (But then I wonder, if his butler would have stepped up to protect him, maybe that's how he managed to take down Teliar)"

"Don't know, maybe someone who wants to be left alone?"

"I can't do that kid, many eyes are on you and your group so that leaves me with the only smart thing to do."

"Befriend me and as a bonus, you'll get better deals with my people, ain't that right?"

"Right on point, Haru-kun. Well, then, I'll see you tomorrow at school, kid, and don't forget to never trust anyone other than you."

(At the end of the chapter will be hall of honors for my patr3ons that supports me from now on)

Guard Class- Caesar

Survivor Class : Patrick W./James/ Juan D. /Exactingspoon/Impunity and Osmund O.

Thank you guys for your support and thank you to all of the readers here on webnovel)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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