
Chapter Twenty Four

Where were you" Lucas asked Zawadi as soon she stepped into his office, a cup of coffee in hand.

"I was making you coffee of course" she answered placing the cup before him.

"You've been gone for nearly half an hour " he stated staring at his wrist watch.

"That's because I got lost on my way there" she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I saw you with Zack. What were you doing with him? " he looked up at her.

" He is the one who showed me where the coffee room was. That's why I was with him. " she stepped closer to his desk" what's with all the questions? "she continued.

"You are jealous" her eyes widened at the realisation and a smirk coated her beautiful face.

"Yes cupcake, I am jealous " he was in front of her in one swift movement, she stumbled back a bit.

He lowered his head to the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. His arm wrapped around her and pulled her close.

She let out a slight yelp when he began laying kisses on the junction between her neck and shoulders.

She tilted her head to the side, giving him more access. She let out a shaky breath when he nibbled on her ear.

"You are my girlfriend, mine. And you already know that I don't like it when you get close to other men. So how do you expect me to o feel when I find out that my girlfriend was with another man. " he said into her neck.

"But we weren't doing anything. " she moaned out.

"I know but I don't trust that Zack " he moved his lips closer to hers and laid a kiss at the corner of her mouth.

Just when he was about to move back, she pulled him in trying to kiss him.

With a smirk on his face, he gently pushed her back.

"Nah-ah baby. You said no romance at work. " he commented smugly.

"Just one little kiss" she pleaded.

" No can do baby. What will my employees think of me when the find me kissing my own PA? " he mocked.

"But I'm your girlfriend " she whined.

"Yes, but here at work you are only my PA" he leaned down and kissed her cheek ."Baby, you are the one who said that... " she interrupted him.

"I know what I said okay. I-I take it back. Just one kiss. Please "she said through gritted teeth.

"No" he said simply.

"Why" she asked in irritation.

"Beg me" he whispered in her ear.

"Never." she stomped her foot angrily and left his office, hearing his chuckles behind her.

Zawadi went back to her office and plopped herself down on her chair. She was angry... no, frustrated. He had denied her a kiss, how could he?

She was the one who had started the game, yes, but it had been fun when he was begging her for a kiss and not the other way around.

Now that the roles were reversed, she hated it. But she wasn't going to give up that easily.

Hell no!

She was going to make sure that she wins at the end of the day. She was going to show Lucas that she had just as much control on him as he had on her.

And she knew just the way. With an evil smirk on her face, she went back to work.

"Hey Z, " Zack greeted as he came into Zawadi's office, " would you like to grab some lunch? " he asked politely.

She raised an eyebrow at his nickname for her, but didn't comment about it.

'Perfect. This will teach Lucas a lesson she thought with a grin on her face.

"Sure, let me grab my purse" she stood up to reach for it when he spoke.

"It's okay, it's on me" he offered.

"Okay then. Let's go already so that I can get back to work " she said as she followed him out the door.

Lunch was amazing actually. The food made in the company really was tasty.

She looked at the food in front of her, nearly drooling. She raised her fork, ready to dig in. Just then her phone rang. She smirked when she read the caller's name, Lucas.

"Yes sir" , she said innocently.

"Where are you? " he almost shouted.

"I'm in my office, sir" she emphasized the 'sir'

I can see you in the cafeteria with Zack" he retorted.

"Really? " she gave him a fake gasp.

"What are you doing with him? " he questioned angrily.

"Come down, sir. We are just having lunch. And how do you know where I am? Are you stalking me? " she asked mischievously.

He groaned before saying " come to my office right now"

"But sir, I am in the middle of lunch with someone. I can't just... "

"Zawadi" he growled.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming " she hung up.

"I'm really sorry Zack but I have to get back to work " she announced apologetically.

"It's okay, maybe we could have lunch again sometime? " he asked nervously.

"Sure. I'm sorry again. See you later" she got up and started walking to the boss's office.

She was about to knock on the door when Lucas opened it and pulled her in abruptly. He held her by the waist and brought her closer, crushing their bodies.

"Sir, why did you call me? Do you need something?" she batted her eyelashes at him.

"You" her heartbeat quickened at his admission, " I need you to stop testing my patience " he held her tighter.

"What do you mean "

"I know what you are trying to do, cupcake. I know you are trying to get your revenge on me for not giving you a kiss earlier but I won't let any man touch you ever. " he stated.

""Really? " she trailed a finger up his chest and linked them around his neck," You won't kiss me, so why not find someone who will "she told him, gently flicking out her tongue to trace his bottom lip.

"You are playing with fire, cupcake " he warned.

Just like that his lips captured hers in a desperate kiss. She had to fight the urge to moan loudly considering the fact that they were in his office.

Her plan had worked since he ended up kissing her without her having to beg. Just like she wanted.

They were both breathless when they pulled apart.

"I win " she announced happily a huge smile on her face.

"No, baby. I win. I wanted to kiss you since morning but you wouldn't let me, and guess what, you just did" he smirked evilly.

"What? But I... " she started but was cut off by him.

"Yes, you let me kiss you " he replied smugly.

"You tricked me, you-you-you... " she tries to find the correct word to throw at him.

He just laughed at her efforts and gently kissed her neck .
