
He is really him!

He came back from the restroom, washing his face and making sure it didn't look like he cried.

"James, where were you?" Y/n asked.

"I went to use the washroom." He said.

"Your eyes look red. Did you not sleep well last night?" She asked.

"Yeah... I couldn't. I'm fine, don't worry." He said.

'I can't see Y/n like this. Giving birth to our second child. I am really happy, but I can't share it now. I am very close to her, but yet I am hidding my identity for her to be happy.' He thought.

And..... Yes! He was Jungkook! He is her Jungkook.

Let's go back to that day now....


Hoseok checked Jungkook's pulse and he was still alive.

"H-his heart is still beating." Hoseok said.

"Wh-what? Really?" Namjoon asked and the others were shocked.

Hoseok carried him and they drove to a hospital, somewhere in the woods.

Jungkook was going under treatment. He had been striked by a knife, deeply. It took almost weeks to a month, for him to recover.

Jungkook was lying in the bed, accompanied by Hoseok.

Jungkook's mind was filled with Y/n. He couldn't stop thinking about her.

He suddenly got up shouting her name.

"Y/n!" He said and Hoseok was startled but then realised he had woken up.

"Kook, kook!" He called him, standing beside him.

"Hyung, Y/n. Where is Y/n? Is she ok? Nothing happened to her right? Is the baby ok?" He kept asking.

"Kook, calm down. Wait for sometime. I'll tell you everything. But now don't stress yourself. You are hurt. And Y/n wouldn't want that." He calmed down as Hoseok said.

Hoseok sat beside him and sighed. He called the others and told them that he woke up.

"How long have I been like this?"

"It's been a month now." He said.

"A month?! Hyung..." He said and thought how Y/n would have managed without him, whether she got into any problem.

"What about Y/n? What about my child?" He asked, stressing himself.

"Kook, relax. You aren't supposed to stress yourself and don't move a lot. Or else your stitch might tear." Jin said as they all came in, hurriedly.

"Someone please tell what happened?" He asked.

"Kook, Y/n is fine and so is your son. We have taken care of everything. Don't worry. First, let's get you checked." Jin said.

"It's a boy." He whispered, under his breath and smiled.

Jin checked him and he was alright.

Then they all explained to him, what had happened that day and how everything changed in the mafia world.

"Everything turned upside down. Ki-ha's men are destroying everything. They are planning to take our territory. And the....." Namjoon stopped.

"And what?" He asked

"The media said you were dead by the cops encountering you. So, everyone knows. And it wouldn't be safe for you to move out like this." Taehyung said.

"But there is one way." Yoongi said.

"What is it hyung?" He asked.

"You'll have to change your entire identity." He said.

"Yes. A new passport, a new look, a new license, a new you, a new name." Jimin said.

"No one should be able to identify you. Even Y/n." Jin said.

He nodded in agreement. they planned everything.

Jungkook changed his identity to Choi James. He secretly spied on the works of Ki-ha and secretly worked on defeating them. The others would inform him about how Y/n and his son, Yoongi were doing.

But he didn't want to put pressure on others, as Y/n had said to him to show some respect towards his hyungs. So he decided to meet her.

He wantedly went to the store, and wantedly met Y/n, by picking banana milkshake. He wanted to stay beside her and make sure she was ok, so he changed his whole background.

That day when the Ki-ha's men came, he wantedly went to the restroom. Taehyung had informed him that Ki-ha's men were coming.

He hid behind the door and heard the conversation. The place was quiet and clearly audible.

Anger rose in him when he heard the guy asking her to have a one night stand with her. He really wanted to punch him. But he controlled himself.

He didn't want to expose his identity. If he did, Y/n would be in danger. She would be in big problem. And Jungkook didn't want to see Y/n suffer, so he controlled.

He let out a heavy breath, calmed him self and walked down. He saw him about to hit Y/n, but he stopped him, before he could.

The guy ran away after seeing him. Jungkook calmed her down and let her take rest. He knew he would've informed Ki-ha about this. So he had planned everything. But this wasn't the right time.

He headed down and played with Yoongi. He was happy that he was near him but he couldn't tell him he was his father.

Every time Yoongi called him 'father', he felt so pleasant and happy. His heart was fulfilled. But he didn't tell anything. He wanted his son also to be safe and the yet-to-born baby too.

The others knew he was Jungkook but they acted like they didn't know him. They also wanted Y/n to be safe.

They were still taking on missions. Y/n knew about that and she knew that sometimes they might not come home cause of work. And she really didn't mind that.

He felt really happy to see his child and Y/n, that they were alright. He felt happy seeing his family. He wanted to hug her and kiss her and say that he was not dead and he was there for her. But he controlled everything and just stayed silent.

He went over to Y/n and saw her holding their baby. He smiled and Y/n looked at him.

"James.... " She called him and held the baby, asking him to hold it.

She handed the baby to him and smiled.

'I wish it was you, Kookie, standing there and holding our little baby in your hands.' Y/n thought and tear dropped.

Hoseok put his hand on her shoulder as he saw her crying. He knew it was hard for Y/n, especially at this time.

"Everything will get better Y/n. Everything will get better soon." He assured. She nodded.

"Y/n have some time for yourself. We'll wait outside." James said and handed the baby to her and they all left.

They went to the cafeteria and looked at each other.

"James, how about you just tell Y/n." Hoseok said. They called him in that name, cause they didn't want everyone to know who he really was.

"Hyung, I really want to, too. But I can't do it. For us to be happy in the future, I have to do this. I have to hide my identity. If they get to know, the next thing would be losing Y/n and I don;t want that." James said.

"He is right Hobi. Let him do what he thinks." Yoongi said.

"When you feel the right time has come, just tell her then. There's no hurry." Namjoon said.

"We still need to kill those guys and the last is Ki-ha. Half is done and there is still half. I am sure to complete it before this month." He said and got up and walked, wherever his legs took him.

'I should finish this mission as soon as possible. And I want to really tell her who I am as soon as possible. There's still a week or two left for this month to end and September starts. I heard she goes to the burial site and talks out her heart, on my birthday. But it is not me.... It is Ki-ha's son, Jang Ki-ha, she talked to. But this time I am gonna talk out my heart to her.' He thought and looked at Y/n through the door's glass and smiled and left.

"Eunji, your father really wanted to keep this name for you. But remember he always loves you no matter where he is." She said and a pair of hands wiped her tears.

"Eomma, don't cry. Appa has come back. Don't worry about anything. Abeoji will take care of it." He said. Y/n hugged him and kissed his forehead.

'I'm sorry Yoon. I don't have the courage to say that he is dead. I wish he isn't but nothing is in our hands. I hope you'll understand when you grow.' She said to herself and asked Yoongi if he wanted to hold her.

He nodded and she helped him hold his little sister. He kissed her forehead and smiled.

"Eunji, I will protect you no matter what. But I will also trouble you at times. Cause you are my cute, little, sister." He said. Y/n smiled at it and caressed his hair.

But all Y/n could think was of Jungkook. How happy he would've been to see his kids, hold them and play with them. She smiled at the thought of it.

But little did she know that he was still alive and right next to her, taking care of her and wishing he could confess soon.

To be continued....
