
''Its' just too big to tell''

*three weeks later

Jungkook was waiting for Y/n, wearing his tuxedo. Jimin and Taehyung, standing beside him and talking with him.

The others rose up as the bride walked down the aisle.

Y/n, in her white wedding dress, with a veil covering her face, accompanied with Jin, walked down the aisle, with a cute little girl walking in front of them, throwing flowers.

He handed her hand to Jungkook and he took over.

"you look really beautiful." He said. she smiled and said.

"So do you."

"Do you, Jeon Jungkook, take Kim Y/n as your wife?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes, I do." He said.

"Do you, Kim Y/n, take Jeon Jungkook as your husband?"

"Yes, I do."

"Ok, both of you can exchange your rings now." He said. Y/n laughed at the way Hoseok said them to exchange their rings.

They exchanged their rings and looked at each other.

"Now, you may kiss the bride." he said.

Jungkook lifted her veil and looked at her. And kissed her, deeply.

They both ran to the cast and Y/n threw the bouquet and they got in the car.

Jungkook embraced her and kissed her forehead. Y/n, thought back what happened and smiled.

She couldn't believe she was married now.

''I really can't believe it. We are married. It all feels like a dream.'' Y/n said and looked at him.

''Me too. But I have... no, we have made the right decision.'' He said.

She smiled and they hugged each other.

They soon reached, and they had a nice time.

*next day

Jungkook and Y/n were having a great time.

Jungkook's phone rang. He attended it.

''Hello, what is it?'' He asked while embracing Y/n.

''Ju-jungkook, abeoji.... '' As the person on the other line said, his expression changed.

Y/n became worried.

''Kookie, what happened?'' She asked, cupping his cheeks.

''M-my father....'' He couldn't finish the sentence.

''What happened? Is everything ok?'' She asked.

''Abeoji is ill.'' He said sad.

''L-let's go and see.'' She said and they drove.

As they got there, Jungkook ran to his father's side. He sat beside him, while Y/n stood behind Jungkook.

"Abeoji." He called.

"Son..." He said and looked at him.

"Abeoji, what happened? How?" He asked worried.

"It has been two days, but abeoji didn't wanna spoil the wedding, so he didn't tell anything." Taehyung said.

"Abeoji, what is this?" He asked worried.

"Son.... I am happy you got married to someone. I always wondered it might not happen. Y/n, thanks for being there with my son. And sorry for what I did." His father said.

"Abeoji, it's ok. You don't need to apologise. You will get well soon." She said.

"Son... I might not get cured... *cough cough* So, I want you to become the next leader. I want you to rule after me. I want you to take the mafia's in the right path." He tried his best, in speaking.

"Abeoji, you will get cured. As you wish I will take after you. But don't leave me." As he said, a tear dropped.

Y/n held his shoulder and comforted him.

"Son... it's time for me to go." As he said, he was....

"Abeoji, no!" He cried.

"Jungkook." She barely whispered. He looked at Y/n and cried.

He suddenly got up and ran. He ran wherever his legs took him.

Y/n was worried and followed him and said the others to stay there. As she ran behind him, she found him at balcony. He was crying.

"Jungkook." She called him. He turned and looked at her.

He hugged her and buried himself in her and cried. Tears flowed as Y/n was comforting him.

"He left me." He said in a muffled voice.

"Why?" He said and looked at Y/n.

Y/n didn't know what to tell. She was as shocked as Jungkook. She couldn't tell any comforting words to him.

"It's ok." Was all that came out of her mouth.

Soon, they did the required things and it has been three days after the crematory.

Jungkook hadn't eaten anything. He couldn't sleep all night. There was something disturbing him.

Seeing Jungkook like this, Y/n felt worried. She talk to him, she wanted him to have his own space and not interfere him.

'He is not the Jungkook who used to be before three days. He is different. He doesn't show interest in anything.' She thought.

Seeing Jungkook not eating nor sleeping, Y/n also didn't eat. She didn't sleep nor interested in anything. She would only do the household work and she would have a look at Jungkook, once in a while.

She couldn't take it anymore, seeing him like this. She took a tray of food and went to the room.

"Kookie." She called him. He looked at her and went back to his thoughts.

"Kookie, please don't be like this. Eat something." She said and sat next to him.

"You'll get weak if you don't eat. Kookie, please. Eat for me. Gone is gone. Nothing is gonna come back. There's no use of worrying over it." She said.

"Eat, eat, eat! If I eat, will everything come back? No! Nothing is gonna come back to normal! Everything is gonna be a mess now. He is not gone! He is still there! He is still there! If you don't worry about your relatives leaving you, doesn't mean I shouldn't worry about my father's death." He raised his voice and barged out of the room.

Y/n was shocked hearing it. This was the first time he ever shouted at her. Things like this never happened between them, before.

She was in tears before she could process everything.

Meanwhile, Jungkook just realised what he did. He shouted at her for no reason. He felt like an asshole.

He too had been observing Y/n. She hadn't eaten cause he hadn't and she would always look at him and give him some space to clear things out. He has been too harsh on her, while she wanted him to be healthy.

Y/n wiped her tears and took the tray and went out. Jungkook was still there. She looked at him and walked down to the kitchen. Jungkook felt guilty. He really wanted to smack himself for his angry behaviour.

He headed down and looked at her. Y/n was keeping the meal in the fridge, so if he feels hungry, he could take it and eat it later.

She was about to go, when he suddenly pulled her.

''Aein, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to say those. I am really sorry Aein.'' He said. He really meant it.

''it's ok.'' She said and walked. But he pulled her again and hugged her.

''I know you're still mad at me. I was just stressed. I am sorry for showing my anger on you. I acted like an asshole. Y/n, please talk to me.'' He said and looked at her.

''it's really ok kookie. From your perspective, you had the right to shout at me. It's ok. Even if I were in your place I would have also acted the same. '' she said and showed a warm smile.

He pulled her close kissed her deeply. He broke the kiss and looked at her.She looked at him.

''Wanna eat?'' She asked him. He nodded and sat down.

She placed the food down and he had a bite and looked at her.

''Did you eat?'' He asked her.

''N-no. I'll eat later. You eat first.'' She said.

He took a bite and held it in front of her.

''Here, have some.'' He said.

''You eat first. Then I'll eat.'' She said.

''Aein, you are my wife. And I should take care of my wife.'' He said.

''But I-'' Jungkook put the spoon in her mouth before she could say anything else.

She smiled and they both took a bite after each.

*a month later

Jung kook became the mafia leader. He was getting busy. Y/n on the other hand, was a bit worried but she knew it was his job. And as said before she didn't wanna stop jim from anything.

Jung kook started focusing more on his team defeating Ki-ha's men, especially his son.

When he gets back home, he at least tries to spend sometime with Y/n.

''Aein, i'm sorry if I am not spending time with you.'' He said worried.

''Kookie, its ok. I know its your job and I don't wanna go against it. Do what you think is right.'' She said.

''Gosh! This is why I married you. '' He said and kissed her.

They both would sleep, cuddling each other and sleep.

One a bright sunny day, Y/n went to the grocery, accompanied by Taehyung.

She got more attached to Taehyung, than she was Hoseok. But she liked all of their company.

She asked Taehyung to get some milk as she was holding all the veggies and snacks in her hand. And she felt kinda lazy to walk back in and get it.

Taehyung went to get the milk. Meanwhile, Y/n was standing and she felt different.

She was feeling dizzy and felt like throwing up. She put the bag she was holding down and suddenly fell down.

Taehyung, who bought the milk and came out, saw a crowd standing. He was confused. He pushed the crowd and moved front.

''Y/N!'' He called and shook her. But she didn't wake up.

He carried her and put her in the car and drove to the hospital. He admitted her in the emergency ward and called Jungkook immediately.

''Hello, Kook.'' He said in a hurried voice.

''Hyung what is it?'' He asked. He said him what had happened.

''Where are you now?'' Jungkook asked.

''At Jae-jin hyung's hospital.'' Taehyung replied.

''Ok. i'll come immediately." And he cut the call.

He soon reached there with the other members.

Jungkook spotted Taehyung and ran to him.

"Hyung, is she ok? What did hyung (Jae-jin) say?" He asked worried.

"I don't know. They said she is awake and he's checking her." He said.

Soon, the doctor came out from the room and looked at them all, worried.

"There's nothing to worry about. She is alright. Umm... Mr. Jeon." He said and looked at Jungkook as he stepped forward.

"Your wife has something to tell you. You may go and see her." He said.

"thank you hyung." He said and went in immediately.

Y/n looked up at him and smiled. Jungkook rushed to her side and asked worried,

"Y/n, gwenchana? Nothing happened, right?"

"I'm fine."

"I thought I'd lose you too." He said sad.

"Stop saying things like these first." She said and asked him to sit down.

"Hyung told me, you wanted to tell me something."

"Oh yeah. The thing is that....." she paused.

"What is it Aein?"

"I am... I am..." She was filled with excitment, that she couldn't tell him. Soon her eyes were filled with tears and they started flowing.

"Aein, is everything ok? Did someone trouble you? Did someone do anything?" She shook her head saying no.

"Aein, please tell me what it is. You are scaring me." He said and cupped her cheeks.

"I'm sorry. It's just too big to tell." She said and wiped her tears but they flowed again.

She took a deep breath in and closed her eyes and let it out. She opened her eyes and looked at him. She took his hand and kept it on her belly.

"Kookie, I am pregnant." She finally said it! This was the thing she wated to tell him.

"R-r-really?!" Jungkook couldn't believe.

"Yes. You are gonna be a father." She said and more tears flowed. Happy tears.

Jungkook was in shock. He was extremely happy but he didn't know how to put it.

"I-i am gonna be a father!" He said and tears soon fell from his eyes.

He looked at her belly and back at her. He kissed her passionately and looked at her.

The others heard the news from Jae-jin and were happy for them. They all knocked on the door and Jin peeped through the door.

"Can we come in?" He asked.

"Come in hyung." Jungkook said and they all came in.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!" They all said.

"Someone's gonna be a father." Jimin said and hugged him.

"I really can't believe it though." Namjoon said.

"Yeah, me too." Hoseok said.

"Why?" Jungkook asked.

"Yesterday you were the little kid running around and I used to take care of, and Y/n, the youngest, prettiest and caring girl I've seen. I always felt I should think smart and do smart things, cause I'm the eldest in the group. But now you are all grown up, married, to the love of your life and gonna be parents. You have a lot of responsibilities to look after. I am just happy to see you both like this. I am happy to see how you've grown, this far." Jin said.

"Oppa, we're still the same Jungkook, Y/n you know." Y/n said. She felt a bit emotional by Jin's words. She felt great to have brothers like this.

"Time flies by soon." Yoongi said. The others nodded their head.

"It's really great. I am really out of words. I am really happy for both of you." Taehyung said.

"I hope I get to meet my little nephew/neice. I can't realy wait to play with him/her." Jimin said excited.

They both smiled at Jimin's thought.

"If it's a girl, what would be her name?" Taehyung asked.

"Eunji." Jungkook said.

"So if it's a guy, what would be his name?" Taehyung asked out of curiosity.

"Yoongi." Y/n said.

"Looks like you have already planned the names." Jimin said and smiled.

"Yoongi hyung, is there anything you want to say?" Taehyung asked, as he wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

"A-ani." He said, as Taehyung suddenly called him.

"Hyung just tell what it is." Jimin said.

"An-ani. I wasn't thinking of anything." He said, laughing awkwardly.

"Oppa, just tell." Y/n said.

"It's just... I really takes time for me to process this. Jungkook, the one who was close to me, shared everything with me. And Y/n, I really didn't spend lone time with you, but liked your company. It felt like family, with you around...." He paused.

"During your marriage, I always had this thought running in my mind, whether I deserved to be Jungkook's best man. I always thought of running or quitting, but then Y/n cleared it out."


*On the day of the wedding

Yoongi was feeling uncomfortable. He was sweating and felt like giving up at anytime.

He started thinking what he did, that he was Jungkook's best man.

Y/n noticed Yoongi being uncomfortable and walked over to him with a glass of water.

"Oppa, is everything ok? You seem tensed." She said and handed him the glass of water. he drank it immediately.

"Oppa, you talk to me about whatever it is."

"I don;t feel like being here." He said.

"Why?" She asked worried.

"Everytime, people shake hands with me and call me as Best Man. I think maybe being Jungkook's best man was a wrong idea."

"Why do you think so?"

"I haven't done anything to him. He was the one who did everything for me. I helped him only a bit, but Taehyung and Jimin were closer to him. I don't get why he chose me to be. I feel awkward and weird, when people call me best man or the groom's favourite."

"Oppa, what is a best man? And why do we have a best man?" She asked him. He showed a confused look.

"Oppa, a Best Man, is one who assits the groom at the wedding. He wants you to help him. Why? Why does he want your help? Cause you have taken him in the right path. You have helped him in choosing a path that was right for him. Yesterday, he was really happy that you accepted the marriage was gonna happen here, in this venue. If you hadn't accepted, this wouldn't have happened." She paused.

"He wants things at the wedding, not only wedding but everything to happen by your choice. Oppa, just rewind back. He would have asked you things like, if this was ok or that. Cause he believes you would help him, no matter how easy it is or hard."

"He still talks to me about asking you about going out. Cause he knows you really care for him. And I know its true. Oppa, you don't need to feel that you're unworthy of being his best man. You should feel proud."

"You are right. I am proud. I am proud Jungkook thinks of me like that. Thank you Y/n." He said and got up and left. He started talking to others, normally and smiled when people called him Best Man.


Jungkook didn't have any idea about this. He didn't have any idea that Yoongi had a feeling like this.

''Hyung, I am sorry if I didnt tell you about it, but to me, you really do take me in the right path as Y/n said.'' He said.

Yoongi hung his head down and was in the verge of crying.

''Come here.'' Yoongi said and they both hugged each other.

''Its getting too emotional.'' Yoongi said and smiled.

''So now, let's get Y/n home.'' Namjoon said and Y/n got discharged and they left home.

Jungkook was really happy knowing Y/n was pregnant.

He couldn't stop smiling. He kept imagining how his son/daughter would be running around the house and Y/n and him running after him/her.

He was too excited. While, Y/n was happy seeing Jungkook happy.

Nor could she stop smiling about the thought that she was pregnant. She's gonna have a bump, and she's gonna give birth to someone.

They reached home and they both sat down, together.

Suddenly, she started feeling nervous.

'Will it hurt the baby? What if something wrong happens?' She started feeling scared.

Jungkook was worried as he looked at her hands sweaty.

''Aein, is everything ok? You seem tensed.'' He asked, as he pulled her closer.

''Kookie, I am feeling kinda nervous. I am feeling scared.'' She said, in a low voice.

''Aein, I am there with you. We can get through this together. Don't worry about it. We are in this together .'' He said.

She hugged him and he patted her. They slowly slept, peacefully.

To be continued....
