

An old man was seen stepping his feet slowly towards one of the rooms, where his two favorite people were there.

A smile perfectly emblazoned on his face. His heart seemed to warm to find his beloved embracing each other with their eyes closed.

In the past, he thought everything would seem difficult if his granddaughter found out that the prospective companion he had was a friend of her own mother, or none other than a friend of his son-in-law, but if he saw this time, the man realized that he had forgotten that he had a grandchild with a big heart and cherished himself sincerely.

He should have thought about it well!

'Thank you, Kez, you are the best. Grandpa should not doubt you. Irene is right that you are different from the others.'

After making sure the two of them had slept peacefully, George returned to his feet to his own room.
