

Charles had just returned to his apartment. The young man's face looked as uncomfortable as before.

It still clearly remembered in his head that he looked furious at his nephew, even Kezia's lover. He meant Alfred looked mad at him.

He shouldn't be consumed by emotion in Kezia's words. He is more mature than Kezia, so he should be able to control his emotions.

Now he doubts the plan he has prepared beforehand, which he thinks is quite mature.

Will Kezia believe in him again?



That thing kept turning in his head.

Charles took a deep breath and sighed softly.

"You are so stupid, Charles!" shrieked Charles cursing himself too emotional in the face of the surroundings he faced.

Charles slowly closed his eyes, trying to empty his head back, and trying to figure out which way he should take to reverse the situation that had happened.

It took Charles a few minutes to focus his brain.
