
G&F Company

At night, Rose, who just came home from her office, was suddenly startled by Jenni, who didn't usually wait for her, even approached her, as if her daughter was about to ask for an explanation or ask her something.

"Gosh, Jen! Can't you not be like this?" shrieked Rose in a tone that was quite elevated to her daughter.

An oddity slowly escaped from Jenni's lips. The girl was deliberately waiting for Rose's return, and it was confirmed that Rose predicted that if Jenni was like this, then her daughter wanted something.

"What do you want to ask me?" asked Rose to Jenni casually as she put her bag on the sofa.

Jenni followed Rose's steps, and of course, waited until her mother really sat down first before she asked Rose to cure her curiosity.

"Mom, do you remember the G&F Company case?" asked Jenni, who turned severe to Rose.

For a moment, Rose frowned. She did not expect her daughter to remember the case she had handled some time ago.
