
_2_Repaying Debt

Bell rang ...*ding dang dong*

-Hiro POV

'Already finished, when did i fall asleep, today i really was out of energy'

'eeuh' .. i looked in front ..Rika was stretching her arms she must be tired too, who wouldn't after hearing Erika- San's very long and boring explanation .

While packing my bag, a big yawn escaped my mouth at that moment Rika was already packed and faced me '' emm.. thank you for what you did before, i have to go now... so see you ... tomorrow'' ..then she turned i didn't want to give her the chance to be the one dismissing me, but that's just an excuse there is another reason ... i grabbed her hand before she leaves '' wait for me, we didn't finish our early talk we can do it on way back home'' but she started looking awkwardly at my hand, i didn't think about it i just grabbed her unconsciously, so i left her hand then she apologized '' sorry ..we can talk later.. i have a part time job, i'll get scolded if i'm late again'' then she hurried to the hallway. But i was about to stand why she didn't wait, anyway i really needed to catch her up that's an urgent matter so i hurried after her.

She was standing in the middle of the school yard like if she saw a ghost, then i heard the laughter of that bunch of useless people, then i hurried towards her before they see her.

I didn't have another way to hide her so i just hugged her praying they won't notice her. I'm not afraid of them, i would kick them but i can't fight.

Actually, yesterday on my way back home, i saw them bullying her and searching her pockets for money, i'm not usually the type who would interfere in others matters.. but somehow i pity her she was too innocent and like a pet needed protection, i wanted to help but i couldn't get into another fight or i will break my promise, so i just stand there like an idiot watching the scene from the opposite sidewalk, when they got bored they threatened her by coming today for more money, then left her crying on the floor. I felt guilty seeing her estate, and my heart aches.

Today when i bumped into her, i recalled the scene from yesterday so when i reached the gate doors before her, i came up with an the idea of becoming friends to protect her, but i somehow failed the plan and said something stupid like turning her into my girlfriend. But i will just go with the flow, i already said those words.

After they got out of sight i broke the hug.. that was a little embarrassing ..''you're safe now''

She was standing there in shock, so i tried to explain myself and patted her head so she can calm down.. ''I ..I know that bunch of bastards.. they bully weak students like you, and now i'm tired to go into a fight with them to help you ..so you should be happy for getting a free hug ..and also thank me for coming at the right time.. they would rape you for money'', i lied because i didn't want her to know that i saw her crying, and didn't help her back then.

She finally spoke'' T..T..TA..THANK YOU'' and bowed.. I was now the one in shock, i thought she would shout at me or complain about hugging her and joking around, but indeed, she thanked me and that was so louder. ''You're ..welcome, you don't need to scream, i'm not deaf ''

''I'm ..really grateful for what you did.. actually .. they bullied me yesterday and they.. promised to come again.. i had to hurry ..so that i won't bump into them and get late again for work.. i'm sorry.. you had to protect me ..that way.. i mean.. th..the ..h..ug'' and she started burning and turned all red.. '' hahaha.. i can't stop laughing.. you are really something.. hahaha'' She frowned, so i stopped and start walking ''ahem.. anyway where is your workplace.. i will walk you'', of course i know that she works as a waitress in a restaurant because i followed her yesterday ,i was a little worried after what happened to her, but i was relieved that she made it somehow to her work without trouble.

''You really don't have to..i was a burden for you from this morning.. and.. and you promised to play basketball.. so i won't keep you'' then she smiled.

''Don't overthink, i'm just hungry and i want a place where to eat ..and i don't need your worry about me.. they already messaged me, game delayed...And you have to be thankful that this cold handsome boy decided to walk you ..aren't you afraid from encountering those bad guys'' i winked at her then i walked, she murmured ''thank you'', then she just followed me silently and started leading the way to the restaurant where she works as a waitress.

-Yurika POV

'it was close, thank god he has a right timing', Hiro wrapped me into his arms and hid my face in his chest, i was so embarrassed, but i was more happy and safe than scared thanks to his manly gesture, i almost forgot for a moment my fear and stopped shivering, enjoying our synchronized heartbeats and the warmth coming from the soft touch between my face and his muscular chest.

I realized the situation when he's breath brushed my ear saying ''you're safe now'' then he broke the hug, I felt a little sad and lonely as if i wanted that moment to last forever

'that was a new thing for me.. but i really felt safe into his arms'. Then i suddenly remembered why in the 1st place we were in that position and i came to my senses when he started speaking ''I ..I know that bunch of bastards.. they bully weak students like you, and now i'm tired to go into a fight with them to help you ..so you should be happy for getting a free hug ..and also thank me for coming at the right time.. they would rape you for money'', then he patted my head, i was staring in the space for some time and made him uncomfortable and worried about what he did.

I know that he didn't do it on purpose and that was the only idea that crossed his mind to protect me. But i was a little curious ..how he knew they will bully me?, and isn't he from Kyoto, how would he know they are bullying others? he just came yesterday to our school, could he be by any chance passing by and just saw what happened yesterday ? then he lied so that i don't get embarrassed. I decided to keep those troubling thoughts for myself and finally thanked him louder, then he complained about the sudden scream but still smiling softly.

''I'm ..really grateful for what you did.. actually.. they bullied me yesterday and they.. promised to come again.. i had to hurry ..so that i won't bump into them and get late again for work.. i'm sorry.. you had to protect me ..that way.. i mean.. the.. hug'' and again i embarrassed myself in front of him, i recalled the warm touch then i started stuttering, i felt the heat in my face, i surely got all red.

He laughed and didn't stop so i pouted and frowned at him then he composed himself and suddenly suggested to walk me to my workplace. But i declined, i didn't want him to bother himself, and i remembered that he had promised to play with boys after class. But he ''Don't overthink, i'm just hungry and i want a place where to eat ...and i don't need your worry about me... they already messaged me, game delayed...And you have to be thankful that this cold handsome boy decided to walk you ..aren't you afraid from encountering those bad guys'' but how he guessed that i'm working in a restaurant... wait 'cold handsome boy' when i said that...i thought he was asleep and putting headphones.. He got me, so i decided to follow him silently as he already started walking after saying that and winked at me.

On our way he brought the subject of pretending being his girlfriend that i almost forgot ''So do you have any ideas about what you have to do as my fake girlfriend ''

I shrugged my shoulders'' i thought you were joking'' he frowned

''so the part about hating girls was true'' He nodded

'' But why?''

'' Didn't i told you before ,no buts and whys just do as say'' he said in a bossy tone.

'' I need a clue so i can get the situation clearly, i don't want to overthink things''

'' In a simple way, i hate it when girls approach me or touch me, i will immediately get angry and may act differently, but somehow you're the 1st girl who i managed to touch and had no body reaction, I realized that when I bumped into you this morning''

''Is it a mental illness like that one called OCD*?'' He was shocked.

''But how you managed to know about it''

''So i guessed right you have Obsessive-compulsive disorder'' ' it's a mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts or sensations (obsessions) or the urge to do something over and over again (compulsions). Some people can have both obsessions and compulsions'

I gave myself a shout for making him shocked with his mouth wide open ''Don't make that face it just happened that i know about it from my aunt because of her son's illness and actions, I heard that people can have different reactions and different OCDs ''

'' Wow!! you have a library under that messy hair'' he teased then he clapped, ''Anyway, don't tell anyone about it ,or you don't want to know how it will end''

''Don't worry, mouth zipped hehe.. hey, we are here, this where i work they serve delicious food, take a seat i will go change in my uniform then take your order''

''Okay you go, i'm hell tired and hungry, i will take the seat behind i don't like crowded places''

After a while i went to get his order then took them to the chef, i was surprised by all the food he ordered could he ended all of this. When the food is served it will took him more than 1 hour and half to end all of that, he was eating like a monster.

'' Stop gazing at ...me like that... your eyes ...will fall down...i didn't have ...breakfast nor launch'' He said while eating.

'' I'm glad that you have this appetite for our food ,sir''

''You don't have other work than staring at clients eating.. When will your shift ends?''

''Actually i finished my shift just 5 min ago.. today i have just 2h shift so i will get changed then head back home''

''Already 2h passed!!.. Woah! the food here is good.. time passed rapidly.. okay then i will wait for you ..it's dark outside ''

'' No need to bother you.. my house is just two intersections far from here''

'' So you also live here, my house is far from here by five intersections, so it's three far from yours ..So i guess i will wait outside'' 'Can i call this a coincidence or is this what they call it overlapped paths' then i just nodded.

On our way we exchanged our numbers, and i told him he was my 1st friend, he was shocked but didn't tease me. Then he told me to call him if something happened.

When we reached my house he suddenly remembered '' hey! Rika.. think of being my fake girl as paying your debt, you owe me twice, i will hear your answer tomorrow i don't accept a NO as an answer.. ciao'' He winked then left with an evil smile on his lips.

I had a long day, i was so exhausted, when i headed to my bedroom i allowed myself to fall on bed and started recalling all what happened and thinking about how i should answer him tomorrow, with that thought in mind i found myself falling asleep.

*you will find an explanation of OCD mental illness in the * Author's thought *below

What Is OCD [Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder]?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts or sensations (obsessions) or the urge to do something over and over again (compulsions). Some people can have both obsessions and compulsions.

Everyone has habits or thoughts that repeat sometimes. People with OCD have thoughts or actions that:

-Take up at least an hour a day

-Are beyond your control

-Aren’t enjoyable

-Interfere with work, your social life, or another part of life

==>OCD Types and Symptoms

OCD comes in many forms, but most cases fall into at least one of four general categories:

-Checking, such as locks, alarm systems, ovens, or light switches, or thinking you have a medical condition like pregnancy or schizophrenia

-Contamination, a fear of things that might be dirty or a compulsion to clean. Mental contamination involves feeling like you’ve been treated like dirt.

-Symmetry and ordering, the need to have things lined up in a certain way

-Ruminations and intrusive thoughts, an obsession with a line of thought. Some of these thoughts might be violent or disturbing

==>Obsessive thoughts can include:

-Worries about yourself or other people getting hurt

-Constant awareness of blinking, breathing, or other body sensations

-Suspicion that a partner is unfaithful, with no reason to believe it

==>Compulsive habits can include:

-Doing tasks in a specific order every time or a certain “good” number of times

- Needing to count things, like steps or bottles

-Fear of touching doorknobs, using public toilets, or shaking hands

MiraAnzaicreators' thoughts