

*Beep Beep*

"Ah, Shut your trap you growing weeds!" My father shouts from the car.

"Oh come on dear, don't say that!" My mother asked.

Well, I guess this is the point where I introduce myself. The names Zack Ashen, and I'm a not so proud American.

Right now, me, my dad, Jason Ashen, and my mom, Jaden Bellton, AND, my sister, Annabell Ashen, are driving to my grandparents for the winter.

"Hey Zack, what do think your going to read now that you have finished the Tokyo Ghoul series?" My sister asked me.

"Hmmmmmmm, I might try and read BNHA, but then again, there aren't many positive reviews from it."

"That's just tasteless reviews. You shouldn't be swayed by what other people say, find out about what you would like to do."

"I didn't say I wasn't going to read it....? Anyways, dad, how long until we get there?"

"If this mother fu*king Truck moves, we would have been there well to our way to them. MOVE BI*TH!" my dad shouts yet again, honking again and sounding o so close to going super sayain.

"Jason! Calm your voice! Something could have happened! We should get out of the car and see if the person driving is ok."

"Fine, but the kids stay in the car. I don't need them getting scarred from the cursing I'm about to give if the man is just being an a*s."

"I think we're already scarred from your cursing dad." My sister said with a giggle.

After that little chat with the family, my mom and dad get out the car to check on Truck-Sama's handler.

While that is happening, me and my sister are talking about possible anime's to read and watch.

"Hey, sis, if your were to reincarnat into any anime, which one would you go to?" I asked. My sister usually didn't have a preference for an anime, and she would only read the anime's that I have read/reading.

"I don't know honestly, what about you?"

"Did you just redirect my question? Anyways, I think I would want to go to Tokyo Ghoul. It just seems so cool with both the Ghouls and CCG. Though, if I were to hate something in the series, it's most likely the Re:Ghoul. I didn't hate that season, I just found it kinda weird."

"Hmmm, then I also guess I would chose that aswell." My sister muttered.

"Alright then."

Silence then consumed us, and awkwardness slowly crept in.

As all of this was happening, you can just hear the faint sound of someone cursing at truck-Sama's handler. You can also hear someone kicking Truck-Sama. Oh dear god. Father you have forsaken us! JK LOL.

And as this was all going down, I can hear a faint Honk. That's weird. I thought as I look outside the car.

And oh dear god I wish I never looked out side, because about 3 meters above me, truck-Sama has decided that its to cool for the road now, and right now it's coming crashing down towards me.

The only thought I got out of my head before I became one with the earth is,



Hello all that read this! I am GOD and I have decided to make a Tokyo Ghoul book. Yes, yes I’m the greatest, no need to flatter me. Anyways, this is going to be one of my first fan-docs, so buckle up Boys and Girls! This going to be fun!( I hope )

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