
Chapter 60 - Breathing


I have been through hell and in hell for the past two weeks. I've gone from waking up every morning with the intention of finding Cleo; to being told to let her go, and prepare for the worst. She wasn't comimg home. I haven't slept for the past few days ,make that weeks. Something still felt amiss and I need time alone with Cleo.

Cleo turned aroroound and poured a glass of wine I stopped her.

"Don't touch that . You are pregnant with our baby."

Cleo looked at me confused

" Hah? "

"Yes ."

" Angelo ? "

"Yes Cleo. I am Angelo .Your boyfriend. You said... you called me Blue. You work for us . "

" I know who you are Massa. What kind of mess did you get yourself into this time."

Paul chuckled because he was next to me and I was rubbing my temples

"Nothing . I don't want Pia and Pio to live on the run. We had the conversation ."

"What about Gio?"

"Him too."

"I miss you . All of you my baby love."

"Liar. You miss the sex. "

"... And that too . "

Cleo pushed her chair back and stood up . I stood up too .

"May I please be excused."

"Me too."

Everybody at the table winced but I didn't care. I took a deep breath and shot everyone an irritated glance.

Cleo walked towards Paul's bedroom she went in and I walked in and locked the door. Before she could say anything I kissed her and she kissed me back. I held her closer to my chest and she slid her hands up and down my back as a sign to let her go .I pulled back and I sat on the bed, with her leaning on my shoulder. She started sobbing inturn making me cry too.

" I'm so sorry."

"Hush my angel you're not to blame ."

Cleo started sobbing harder and I could feel her shaking.

"Something happened. Something I couldn't remember but now I do."

"You don't have to tell me now . I was scared that you were gone."

"I'm here now and I am breathing . I'm thankful."

"Do you remember anything. "

"I remember you, and how I'm so in love with you... my heart knows you ."

"My heart knows you too. It believed you were alive . I knew you were. "

"Did you see the video I made you ?"

"You made that ?"

"Yes . A week befor your birthday, after Rosa went all mean and told you she was ashamed of the twins because they were not white. They are innocent; they didn't do anything to her. "

"She is my mother and I am embarrassed on her behalf. "

"Don't be. If it wasn't for her you wouldn't be here Blue. Sometimes we do things out of fear. It comes in different forms; but when you wake up and see the error of your ways you ask yourself the question; whether or not you're worthy of forgiveness. "

" I'm changing your last name."

" I'm not complaining. "

Cleo pulled back and cleared her face with a facial tissue and she wanted to cry again because she knew she had to break my heart and it was killing her.

"You have that ; I'm about to break your heart look."

"Yes ..."

"Dont my babe. Please don't. "

"No I have to tell you. When we got back together we prommised no more secrets. "

"I know you and Ryan used to go out ."

"We'll talk about that. "

"I'm jealous ."

" No need to be. I really need to tell you something. "

"What is it hun?"

Cleo looked at me and started crying.

"The accident came at a cost."

"What cost ?"

"We aren't having a baby anymore. "

" What, how , when"

My heart was breaking.

"The crash and injuries I sustained were bad. I know I saw the scars. I peaked at the doctors report. "

Cleo started sobbing again she blames herself for our loss and it wasn't her fault. All I could do was hold her and comfort her. I'm glad she's alive .

" Its not your fault..."

" It is . I shouldn't have gone out."

" You were doing a good thing . I love you for that."

" I miss Pio and Pia."

"They are on the way with my mom and dad. We'll see them soon. "

" I dont know how to deal with this."

I held both her hands and kissed them Again. Whe I looked up her face reflected hurt and sadness.

"We will do it together. From here on out and for always I have you , and you have me, we've got us."

"I'm thankful. "

I kissed her and held her close till she stooped crying.

© #KCMmuoe
