
Chapter 37 -Back to us


I hate being deceived, I really do. Maybe I was so blinded by love that I didn't see what Angelo was doing but now I see.

I thought I wasn't been followed, but he had my every move monitored. The other night when we found out that we were having twins he alerted Carlo that I was on the run. It wasn't a coincidence that he almost ran me over , and just a week and a half ago he called Brendan to get hold of me since I had left my phone at home .However I know Brendan he didn't like Angelo, something must have changed.

My head injury wasn't as bad as initially thought and I was thankful that our babies we okay.

Ever since we came back from the hospital I've been cold towards Angelo with good reason. I have a habit of keeping things to myself for the sake of

peace. A day after we came back from the hospital Angelo left his phone by the nightstand. He was dealing with a lot at work and specifically on that morning he was deep in thought. He wasn't saying anything to me. He just kissed me good morning and left. Later that morning I was woken up by his phone vibrating. I normally leave what's not mine alone, but something in me told me to look at the screen . My impulsive curiosity is to blame. I saw Sophia's name and photo lit up on his phone. When the phone stopped ringing; I unlocked his phone, selected Sophia's thread, and what I saw almost knocked the wind out of me. Friday nights are date nights for Angelo and I, but this Friday I decided to skip our date without warning. I was livid at Angelo. I don't mind him going to the Gentleman's Club and having fun with the guys . What I do mind is him kissing his ex and allowing her to do stuff I should be doing . After work I took my car and drove to a part of town where only one person knew me. I needed chocolate cake and a great meal. The restaurant was part of another farmers market I loved to go to on occasion . I had dinner and desert by myself without getting the third degree. While I was waiting for my chocolate cake I heard familiar voice. This woman was going on about what she did at a club with his ex boyfriend. Mind you she had no shame whatsoever. What caught my attention was when she mentioned my name. She mentioned how she knew Angelo didn't trust me and that he will and up leaving me because I'm not as good in bed as she is and that he's only with me because he is settling. Sophia didn't see me but everything started to make sense, including the content I found on Angelo's phone sent by her. I left the farmers market and drove around . It was raining all week , and by the time I got home there was a thunderstorm outside.

I didn't want to talk to Angelo; but I had a feeling he would be at my apartment. I did tell him I wasn't coming through to the main house.

When I made it back home all I wanted to do was take a shower , get into my PJs and sleep. I arrived home to a worried boyfriend who just didn't get that I was being passive aggressive. I ended up going in the bathroom and locking myself inside.

"Cleo what's going on?"

"Go away."

"No I'm staying ."

"Why would you want to stay with me when I can't give you what you want. "

"Where is this coming from?"


"Clearly I've done something to upset you ,which is resulting in you being so cold towards me."

"Yes you have."

"Let me fix it ."

" I don't think you can. Just go home."



I stood up from the fetal position I was sitting in; turned on the shower,and cleaned up. I was hoping Angelo will be gone by the time I got out, and to my surprise he was . I didn't want to focus on the hurt I was feeling let alone the heartache that didn't want to go away. I changed into my panda printed PJs and hit lights out.


I woke up the next morning feeling a bit dazed and confused. Last night and this morning was just one big blur. I turned around only to feel pillows and not the familiar warm body that I've been waking up to for the past couple of weeks . I knew I was in my bedroom. I picked up my phone and saw that it was well after eleven in the morning. I slid out of bed brushed my teeth and headed to the kitchen for some tea . I walked out only to find someone sleeping on my couch. I thought Brendan needed a place to crash, and went about my morning as normal. I looked up from the kitchen island and he was awake.

"Bella ? "

"Blue ?"


"Good morning."

"There's nothing good about this morning. I didn't get to make love to you or wake up next to you. You've been cold towards me for a week and three days. It feels as if I did something wrong and I don't know what it is. Tell me what I did so I can fix it."

Angelo stood up from the couch and walked to where I was. It wasn't helping that he was only in his boxers and that his baritone voice had gone raspier.

Everything from the day before came back to me.

"I don't know how you can fix what you did with Sophie."

Angelo stopped in his tracks and shot me a look of betrayal.

" You went through my phone ?"

"Yes I did."

"You're not going to deny it ?"

"No I'm not. When you leave it lying around."

Angelo pushed his locks back and rubbed his temples . An indication he was trying to keep his cool and clearly fighting a losing battle.

" you say I've got trust issues but you went through my phone... Its not what it looks like."

" you're having me followed and watched. I would never cheat on you , or sleep with Paul just to spite you. I'm not them ."

"You're not. You're the woman I love. Nothing happened. Ask Brendan who yanked her off me."

I walked passed Angelo and he pulled me back gently by my waist and kissed me softly . I didn't respond ; I pulled back and locked eyes with him. He was telling the truth.

"Then tell me why Sophia is claiming she gave you head and that you are putty under her hands . "

I slid my arms up Angelo's pectorals and over his shoulders.

"She wishes she could. I melt wen I'm with you . I love how you taste , how you feel , how I get all giddy even when I'm I guy . "

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"So nothing happened?"

Angelo kissed me again and I kissed him back this time .

"Yay you kissed me back . Nothing happened the only thing her lying mouth ever touched was the fabric of my slacks."

" Okay I believe you. What about having me followed ?"

Angelo pulled back and caressed my cheek .

"I'm sorry . They left me scarred. I know you wouldn't cheat or hurt me."

"Do you need reassurance?"

"All the time. "

I put my hands on Angelo's biceps and kisses his collar bone.

"So do I . let me go ."

"No . I want you. I need to know that I haven't lost you."

I looked up and saw fear.

"You'll never lose me. Just as long as you trust us."

I gently peeled his one hand off my waist and placed it on my tummy.

"Its hard ."

Angelo's eyes turned glossy and red . I knew what he was feeling.

"I know my babe. They are ours . yours and mine. Talk to me ."

I wrapped my legs around his waist and gave him a hug.

"Nina took Gio and it almost broke me. Losing you and our babies will kill me. "

" let's start over somewhere new. Where nobody knows us..."

"Your life is here. I can't expect you to leave everything."

I got off Angelo and stood on my feet.

"Just think about it ?"

"I promise you I will but right now all I can think about is what I want to do to you."

"Tell me ."

"I'd rather show you ..."

"I'm all yours."

