
Chapter 196 - Worst Case Scenario

"What? You can't be serious!" Exclaimed Yugi in disbelief. 

Can't exactly blame him, I was seeing it play out and was still having a really hard time believing my eyes...I then shared the live footage with the others, sending the feed to their I-Watches. 

"No way...," Muttered Seila in bewilderment.

The Monke then finished killing all the Landsharks, without sustaining even a scratch worth of damage...and, then... 

"What the...? It's...it's eating them," Remarked Suri, her tone equal parts shock and disgust. 

"Look at its face...it looks like it's struggling to eat," Added Katie. 

She's right...it's almost like it was forcing itself to eat. Mutants proliferate rapidly, have abnormally fast rates of growth, but also die quickly due to lack of available sustenance. They only eat humans and normal animals, and probably Wights too, but they don't eat other Mutants...at least, that's the common belief we've been following all this time. 
