
fake head

Chapter 31: fake head

*Isabella Marciano*

Her hues were viridescent, as green as an untouched forest. Raven hair hangs like ironed curtains on her shoulders, her lower lip was a little fuller than her upper lip, her nose has little freckles on its tip and her skin was drenched in my favorite milk soap. The one that's specially made for me by Agatha, Mom's friend who makes homemade natural soap in Italy. Her shirt was the same as my black James Dean souvenir shirt.

She even got James Dean right.

It's like staring at myself in the mirror, my old self before I became Red.

This must be a dream, a nightmare it seems.

I burst out laughing. Not caring about that cringe in my muscles as I threw my head back. Laughing hard.

This is the most preposterous thing I have ever heard in all my life.

The girl who looks just like me glower, her face contorting hideously.

''Stop laughing!'' she screamed at my face, her knuckles colliding with my stomach. It made me stop laughing though, I coughed at the loss of air for a second and chuckled again. ''I said. Stop. Laughing!'' she punched me a few times again until she was breathing heavily.

The pain was coping up with me but looking at her in the dimmed light made me giggle again.

''This is just hilarious'' I murmured, shaking my head.

The girl huffed, ''I don't think we need her alive. Might as well end her pathetic life!'' She raised her knife and stabbed me in my neck.

I wasn't scared of death. It's just a pity that I won't have any good news when I see my family on the other side. I won't be able to tell them how I made Santi suffer.

I waited for the pain, the numbness, and the end of my breath. The girl's knife was touching my skin but it stopped before it could penetrate through me.

Kon was standing beside me, gripping the girl's wrist. I couldn't see his face because he's standing in front of the yellowish bulb but I can feel the anger radiating off of him.

''No killing her, that's the deal, Isabella'' I don't know if he was talking to me or to this fake head.

The girl growled, ''she's pretending to be me!''

I huffed, ''you are pretending to be me!'' my voice was filled with annoyance and conviction.

The reality finally hit me. What the hell? Why would someone pretend to be me? I'm sure I'm the only baby my Mom gave birth to on my birthday. I didn't have a twin and my mom and dad were loyal to each other. I was a witness to how their love for each other grew day by day even after having me and my brothers.

The girl huffed, leaving Kon standing in front of me as she disappeared in the dark and soon the flickers of light blinded me. My eyelids flutter close, aiming to protect the hues under it from being irritated. When I opened them, I got a view of the person standing in front of me.

This bastard tricked me with his sweet words and sweet lips.

Ugh. I'm such a sucker for him. Who wouldn't? He's a freaking Greek God, those grey eyes that stared at me with so much adoration all the time. Those lips that made my toes curl with just a light brush of them on my skin. His blond hair messy, like his fingers went through them a hundred times but still looked good on him. Such a pity. Such a pretty face for a traitor.

The girl stood beside Kon, she really looked like me. A doppelganger on my nightmare. A stuntman on this movie I call life who managed to take my look and be the lead.

''I should be the one saying that bitch'' the girl gruffly murmured. ''Why are you pretending to be me?''

I glared at her, this isn't funny anymore. I'm not a celebrity who she could be parodying to gain attention. My life already has tons of shitty plots but this just tops the shitties of all plots.

''Stop fucking with me, ragazza stupida'' I warned her. ''We both know who's the one pretending between us. What do you aim to achieve in pretending to be me? If you think you'll be able to hold the Italian Mafia just by looking like me then you're wrong. It's more than just my face, idiota. It's in the fucking blood that's running through my veins and on my fucking abilities to make people bow down to me!'' (stupid girl) (idiot)

My anger was enough to shut her up. No one gets in my way. Not even this fake faced idiot of a girl.

She cleared her throat and clapped her hands. ''Perfect! Just perfect.'' her eyes narrowed. ''She even perfected that sassy attitude of mine. Who are you working for?''

God! She's impossibly stupid!

''You'' my next words are directed towards Konstantine the traitor Zafeiriou. ''You knew about her all this time. Did it ever cross your mind that she's the one pretending to be me?''

Kon was just staring at me with those beautiful gray eyes of his.

''Of course, it had, right? You almost fucked me too many times and you must know the difference between her and me!'' The anger dubbing inside me is bursting out like an erupting volcano. ''She's a fake face, everything about her is fake. She's not even a real Marciano. Mark my words, she'll screw up big time that you'll regret double-crossing me.''

The girl swallowed hard. Kon had a small smirk playing on his lips, looking amused and annoyingly handsome. Whoever is behind her fucked up face is an idiot for thinking they could get her to pretend to be me and get everything I own for their benefit.

I've cheated death, I've survived too many hindrances in my life to fall for this shit show they're putting up.

''What?'' I taunted the girl. ''No come back? Now tell me, little stupid girl. Who's your boss and why are you pretending to be me?''
