

✴Konstantine Zafeiriou✴

It's her again. I see her every Sunday in this café for about six months now. Today, she was wearing a blue crop top, white denim jeans, and brown alligator shoes. She seems….odd.

She surely is not from here, her hair was as bright as a fire tree in summer, her eyes are greener than jade, her lips so plump they look heaven to taste. Damn. This girl does wonders for me and to say, I don't even know his name.

I enjoyed having coffee in this shop close to the beach every Sunday since I moved from Athens to Nafpaktos. The beach calms me and it's also close to my hotel. Seeing the redhead here only made my stay tolerable.

I love the life I have in New York, girls were accessible there unlike here but Dad had this bright idea for me to manage our legally owned hotels in Greece and some illegal businesses too. My life is perfect, I may say that and I'll have this sexy foreigner in my bed tonight.

Standing up from my chair, I strode in her direction, smirking at the drooling sight of every girl I passed by, but the girl I took interest in didn't even glance at me when I took the chair in front of her. He was even prettier up-close. Damn those lips, I want to kiss her and nip her lips until it's swollen.

Her eyes were fixed on the blue ocean, I'd believe she admired the pristine natural beauty of Greece if her eyes weren't laser focused and never blinking. With the nearness I have with her now, I can see the frown lines building upon her forehead and the sides of her eyes. Why was she so… mad?

"Geia" I greeted her pleasantly.

She turned her gaze on me and my throat felt dry as the Sahara, as if she sucked all the liquid in my body just by her stare.

"Kaliméra" she greeted me back with a smile that never reached her eyes.

Her accent was good, I'd give that to her but she wasn't fooling me though. "I'm KZ" I held out my hand.

"Red" she took my hand.

I chuckled "I should have known."

She smiled again, a little genuine this time "nice meeting you."

"Would you like to take a walk by the beach?" I asked boldly, her eyebrows shot up but nodded anyway.

"Which hotel are you staying in?" I asked as we walked barefoot on the shore. The sun was still young, but they made her skin shine like a porcelain under a bright light. How I'd love to taste every inch of her.

"What makes you think I'm staying at a hotel?" she teased.

"You are staying at a hotel" I stated as a matter of fact. "Blue Oasis to be exact."

She looked at me with a wide eye but it seems a little off to me. "Are you stalking me?"

"Yes." I stopped when she stood frozen on the sand. "I like you, Red. Have dinner with me later."

"I can't" she bit her lip. oh shít! my blood is all running south to some degree, wing it, that needs to tend to this instant.

"It wasn't a question" I don't like being rejected.

"It isn't negotiable either. Go have dinner with yourself ásshole." She turned her back on me, cursing under her breath in Italian. That's interesting.

I settled on watching her cute sexy áss wiggle a little as she walks. Such a nice sexy little minx. Red suits her, there was a fire in me that ignited when she turned me down.

After hours of exercising instead of tending to little KZ's needs down there, I took a shower and threw over a light blue dress shirt and khaki pants.

The bouquet of red roses I had Jane – my secretary – bought for Red was in my hands while I knocked on her hotel room. My eyes rake the appearance of the woman who opened the door for me. The bouquet almost got squashed in my grip. She was wearing only a towel, secured over her chest. Her fiery hair is still wet from the shower. What a damn gorgeous sight.

We stared at each other, no on breaking contact until someone cleared their throats behind her.

My eyes narrowed to slit, my hands itching to break the bald guy inside her room's bone twelve different ways he'll regret even breathing the same air as me.

"Who the fúck are you?" I asked in a very demanding – maybe too demanding – voice.

The bald guy's forehead creased. "figlia" he said and my anger turned to shame in a blink. "get dressed while I deal with the guest."

Red rolled her eyes "he's harmless. He's my date John, don't break his bones while I'm in my room." And she was gone.

My mother always said, my temper would be the death of me. I never believed her until now. Even if Red said that I am her date didn't even ease the anxiousness I was feeling.

"Get in, ragazzo" did he just call me a boy? A fúcking male child?

Maybe I should just put a bullet between his eyes and forget about Red, besides I can just kidnap her if I wanted to. No one would dare to touch a Zafeiriou in Greece after all.

"Bring my daughter back before twelve," the bald guy said before leaving me for the kitchen.

Three things in life make my knees go limp. Girls with red hair, food, and my Mom. The aroma coming from the kitchen made my tummy growl, like a caveman. Is that risotto? Mom's risotto is the best but the bald guy smells like heaven on earth.

"Are we leaving or what?" Red's voice brought me back to earth. "We can eat here if you want, John is the best cook in the world."

If the guy wasn't a threat to my existence, I would actually reconsider but then again, risotto is not worth dying for, for KZ.

Red accepted the bouquet, placed them in a vase before leaving with me.

"How did you know I would come?" I asked as we walked on the beach, resuming where we ended this morning after my crassness.

"I'm not that dumb" I can imagine her rolling her eyes. "No one would spend his Sunday morning in that café for the last six months and give up that easily."

I was surprised. She noticed me too, after all, I mentally sighed. I thought my charm was getting outdated with her.

"So Konstantine" she surprised me by using my first name. No one had ever made that name sound so erotic in my ears. "What do you want from me?"

We reached the restaurant and sat at the table I reserved for us. We sipped our wine while we waited for our food.

"I told you, Red. I like you'' I answered her question earlier.

"You don't even know me" she murmured while sipping her wine.

"I said I like you, it's not like I'm asking you to marry me," I said nonchalantly. I was expecting her to get offended but she surprised me again when she laughed it off.

"Fair point," she agreed, "let's get to know each other than, Kon."

The food arrived and we and we asked each other silly stuff under the sun. to be honest, I was never one to wine and dine a chick. Mostly, I just bang them and throw them away when I get bored. Mom hated that I hurt too many girls before I turned eighteen. Now that I'm thirty, she said that I should try and get to know at least one girl before I die.

I love my Mom but sometimes I think she's being too overdramatic. Too much watching 'how I met your mother' I guess.

Something in Red draws me deeper as I get to know her though. Like a moth to the flames. I'm walking on uncommon grounds and I'd admit, I'm scared of not knowing what will happen next. All I know is that I have to know her, everything about Red.

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just a peek on our ML (:

CastielLouisecreators' thoughts