
Plans for the Next Phase. Part 1

"You're breaking my tender heart, Lil' Rey-Rey. How could you forget this big sister of yours?" Ka'lor'ah mourned with the most dramatic voice that she could muster.

An expression of heartbreak appeared on her face as she looked away to the side in an 'I can't believe you would do this to me' fashion. 

Seeing this cringe-worthy act, Reyna's face still sported an expression of confusion before suddenly morphing into realization. Pointing her finger at Ka'lor'ah she screamed, "You--! You're Ka'lor'ah!!"

Standing up and performing an elaborate bow, Ka'lor'ah answered with a smile, "The one and only." She then suddenly paused for a second and continued, "Well, not the 'only one', but—you know what, never mind."

"Pleased to meet you once again, Lil' Rey-Rey and Mrs. Anya." 
