
Interlude. Part 2

Thunk! Click. Click.

Firmly shutting the suitcase that was laid spread on his bed, Riker fastened the two buckles on its edges producing a satisfying 'click' sound.

After confirming that the suitcase was properly closed, he sat on a wooden chair beside the bed and let out a sigh, "That takes care of that." 

Leaning back on the chair, he absentmindedly stared at the plain wooden ceiling while immersing himself within his thoughts. His eyes dilated in quiet remembrance and a faint smile appeared on his face.

'It's already been twelve years since I left the army, huh? I wonder if she still remembers me and treasures our promise.'

His eyes then fell on a certain piece of parchment laid spread on the table beside the chair causing the smile on Riker's face to become more prominent and bloodthirsty. 

An intense murderous look appeared within his eyes as he read the words written on the paper for the nth time.
