

Within a certain region of the Cloud Cover Continent lay a vast field of multi-colored flowers. These flowers which added a much-needed touch of color to the dim environment of this planet slightly swayed to the passing breeze.

Visible sunlight filtered into this field due to a massive hole, spanning a few dozen kilometers in size, was present vertically above this area providing the nutrition required for these fantastical plants to grow.

Strolling through this field of flowers were two people.

The person joyfully flying in the front had a tiny 'Faerie-like' body, with lush golden hair and iridescent wings. Skipping from flower to flower, she took joy in sniffing the wonderful scent of the flowers and recording it within her mind.

The person following behind her had a cold expression and a gloomy demeanor. Dressed entirely in black, he wore a white rapier on his waist, and possessed a face that could only be called, 'absolutely handsome'.
